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Kelsey Clark

Guest contributor

Kelsey has many fond memories of family bush and camping trips across South Africa when she was growing up and for her, this sparked a growing love for the wilderness and opportunities to seek new adventures. Although she studied BComm Financial Management and ...

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on Shaking up the Torchwood Trees

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I love the pictures you used in this blog, especially the first one, a shot at night with an elephant.
Elephants are really important shaping, changing, remodeling landscape. As you wrote, the balance and complexity of nature and the interaction of the different species is amazing. If nature was left to its own wisdom, the world would certainly be a better place.

Thanks Christa, I’m glad you enjoyed the pictures. The truly are ecological engineers and it is always a wonder what the world would be like if nature was left to its own.

Hi Kate, I had heard of Balanites but wasn’t aware of detailed qualities of those magnificent trees. I watched several videos in which, after a copious rain, an absolutely charming and incredible flowers and little plants sprout in their splendour. That tree will surely be one of those! Elephants are so strong, it seems there’s nothing they can’t do! Thank you.

My pleasure Francesca, happy you could take away something new about the Balanites:)

What lengths the elephants go to be able to get to the fruits of the trees, being it marulas or torchwoodfruits. Such strength these elephants have and it is quite alarming to see how they shake the trees.

They really are determined to get those fruits Valmai! It really is quite something to watch their strength and intelligence!

Thank you Kelsey for the information on the torchwood trees and the elephants. Symbiotic relationships are everywhere if we would just take the time to look.

Pleasure William! It is always fascinating to dive deeper into these symbiotic relationships

After reading your article Kelsey, I won’t look at the Torchwood trees in quite the same way. I had no idea this tree has so many uses, besides offering elephants a tasty treat. They of course contribute to the environment by providing their dung that ultimately lead to more Torchwood trees. Whilst sitting at the next campfire in the boma, it would be fun to have a few kernels to throw into the fire to see what happens…..

I’m glad you have some new insight into the Torchwood tree Denise! Will certainly have to collect some kernels for your next visit 🙂

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