About the Author

Megan Kane-Berman

LCH Team Member

Megan grew up at Londolozi, where her love for nature blossomed. With a degree in Visual Studies and Social Media Marketing, her journey came full circle when she joined the dynamic Londolozi Creative Hub, where her love for nature and visuals finds its ...

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on The Best Places to Read a Book While at Londolozi

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Wish we can instil in our children and grown-up a love for reading. It does more than educate..( A random remark)
Sitting on a deck, reading sounds absolutely divine.

Have done all of these–you are so right!

Beautiful story Megan. The peaceful immersion of ones self into another world just by reading a book. Thanks!

Reading at Londolozi, on one’s deck or at the pool, sounds and is indeed really wonderful!
However, as soon as I try doing this, there will certainly be a bird, a herd of elephants, or even a hypo or a lion to distract me. So, I am rarely able to do a lot of reading while on a safari because there is so much else to see and do.

Your suggestions for places to read within Londolozi are spot on. In fact, should one forget to bring a book there is fantastic reading material in your room, or a short walk to the gallery offers a plethora of books, etc. The down time between safari’s is also good for adding to your journal….

I always have a book to read when traveling. Any place at Londolozi is perfect for me to read a book. Londolozi is my home away from home!

Forsure you can get peace of mind and be totally relaxed at Londolozi while reading a book. The air there is so clean and I am sure you can get lost in your own little world there just being in the present at Londolozi.

I loved reading from the private deck at granite. It was so relaxing I often started reading the same paragraph over and over till I fell asleep – nothing better than the soothing sounds of nature 😴

Lovely post Megan!!

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