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Sean Zeederberg

Blog Editor

As a young boy growing up on an agricultural farm in Zimbabwe, Sean spent every opportunity entertaining himself outdoors, camping in the local nature reserve and learning about all facets of the natural world. After completing a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental ...

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on Virtual Safari: Ultimate Game Drive Highlights #119 – Father’s Day

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Wonderful post! Happy 1st Father’s Day Sean!!

Thank you so much, Geri. I am glad that you are finally able to comment without any hassles.

Senior Digital Ranger

Very nice sighting. I’m surprised that the lions are so happy to play in the water.

I have seen lions playing in the water a few times before. I think it is because it was shallow water.

Exactly….shallow water, clear views, open area, not as much to worry about. I think that cats are nervous about water in areas of the world where they need to be nervous….crocs and hippos! Cats in other parts of the world seem to be just fine with water…especially on a hot day!

Absolutely mesmerizing. I love to see how lions appear to be much bolder in their water play.

You certainly timed that right, Sean – that was fabulous, thank you. As they broke away from the Nkhuma pride around 2008 and I haven’t heard of them before, I’m guessing they’ve only recently moved onto Londolozi?

Thank you so much, Suzanne. We did manage to time it right thankfully. Yes, they were initially a bit further north and would maybe only just come onto the northwestern corner of Marthly every once in a while. But I believe that one of the lionesses was killed by a group of young rogue males a couple months ago and that could be the reason that they are now shifting further south.

Wow! Sean. This video is absolutely fantastic and amazing. Watching these lions in and around the river is just so wonderful. I really do envy you and the guests of Londolozi (if there were any there) who have been able to watch this as well.
The cats at Londolozi seem to love water to fool around in, indeed. The other day it was that beautiful leopard, now the lions… Incredible!

Thank you so much, Christa. It was such a great sighting. Luckily there were a few guests there as well to enjoy the magic.

Oh, and by the way, I nearly forgot: Congratulation on your first Father’s Day and the wonderful thoughts you have shared with the community on being a father. I think you must be a wonderful father.

What a fun video to watch the lions play in the river. Thank you! Made my day!

Senior Digital Ranger

It’s lovely to see Dark Mane and the Talamatis on Londolozi. They seems to be travelling a lot lately. There was a time when they were consistently on Djuma. I wonder what has caused them to move. I just hope that they don’t run into the Ndzenga males or my favourite Tsalala female.

….and most importantly, don’t forget to include play in your day! Thank you for your inspirational words this Father’s Day. Each point you make is valuable and true.
As far as the video today, who said cats hate water?! Just a day at the beach for the Talamati pride, including crossing and playing in the river. It seemed the Avoca male was not so inclined to get this feet wet, but I guess peer pressure led him across. So much fun to watch Sean.

Happy Father’s day Sean. What you commented on being a father having more time, patience resilience and let your child grow is so so true. In today’s fast pace world nobody seems to have time for anything let alone children, and that is so sad. We have just moved into a reserve where there are wild animals moving in between the houses, how absolutely astounding and just to sit and watch the antelope walk past your house is so awesome. The lions were awesome to watch playing in the water and to see them running up and down that embankment, so agile and with such ease. I can just sit and listen ,and watch for there is always something to see.

It seems that the father takes seriously all the abovementioned advices! Great video relaxing and entertaining. Makes me feel in harmony with them, with nature. Happy Father Day to all father lion included!

Happy 1st Father’s Day Sean! Congrats to you! And great advice for a newbie! I would add acceptance…don’t have expectations for your kids that doesn’t allow you to accept what they become otherwise and ENJOY the little things…it goes by SO fast…never take any of it for granted…be present. Mine are 22 and 25 and I’m amazed every day still (and still worry every day too)! Cheers!

Terrific Virtual Safari!!! What a treat to watch the sub adults playing together in the water! Loved every minute! Great job, Sean!

Senior Digital Ranger

Loved the video

Senior Digital Ranger

Happy 1st Father’s Day, Sean! What a treat to see the Talamati’s! Dark Mane looks fantastic! I hope you and he had a great Father’s day!

Thank you so much, Debra. I did have a fantastic day thank you. Dark Mane Avoca does look great.

This was an absolutely wonderful endearing fabulous video today! Lions playing in water is such an unusual sighting (but I claim that it might happen more often than we realize), but to see “our” favorite Talamatis and Dark Mane enjoying the fun is really special! Thanks for the Fathers Day treat! This video goes into my Saved file! And Happy First Fathers Day to you!

Thank you so much, Lisa. I am so glad that you really enjoyed this one. It was a great first Father’s Day.

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