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Chris Taylor


Chris was born and raised in the Kwa-Zulu/Natal Midlands where his family inspired his early passion for the natural world. Exploring Southern Africa as he grew up, this passion was allowed to develop and his curiosity to expand. After high school, Chris spent ...

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on A Visit to the Ground Hornbill Nest

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This is amazing Chris. Fantastic work done by Mabula.

Thanks for including the Mabula Ground Hornbill Project website. It answers many questions about how the 2nd chick is re-introduced into the environment–fascinating.

Chris, I loved all the photos, especially the one hornbill chick🤗

The Southern Ground Hornbill is a beautiful bird! I am so glad you rescued this tiny baby from certain death! Kudos to all of you!

Great story, Chris, and well told. I think it’s great that such an intervention is done to save chick #2 and help the species. Better yet to be part of the event!

This is such happy news! Here’s hoping for the successful rearing of both chicks.

Very cool story, thanks for sharing!

A really feel good blog Chris. What an interesting breeding cycle these birds have. It is great that once the chicks hatch and the location is known, the smaller chick is rescued and given a chance to survive and then go on to breed. Thanks for sharing the link and the story. Enjoyed it. Be well and stay safe all of you at Londolozi.

A really fascinating article. It’s great that the project team tries to help the second chick to survive and become a parent itself one day (hopefully).

Very interesting. Merry Christmas.
Can’t wait to be back in septembre 21

A massive shout out to Mabula and all the team. Just wonderful to know that you are doing all you can to protect this endangered species 🙏💕. Fabulous photos and story Chris. Wishing both chicks a future for all to enjoy. 💖

what a wonderful experience for us all to see. Fingers crossed for the survival of the second chick! Victoria

Chris, what a fantastic report on this Manula Ground Hornbill Project. I’m so glad there were accompanying photos to illustrate what happens in the nest. I know many say human intervention is wrong, but in cases like this, it’s only right to give the second chick a chance at life, thus perhaps enabling this species to expand their numbers. Bravo to the team!

Master Tracker

Fascinating, well done.

So very interesting, Chris. A couple of months ago we were spending a few days with our family at Mabula and went along to the Thursday morning tea and lecture on various aspects of wild life at Mabula. We had an intensely interesting talk by a very knowledgeable young lady and were so sorry when she concluded her talk! It was all about their Ground Hornbill Conservation Project. She spoke well and was so enthusiastic it was a pleasure to listen to her and have a brief chat with her afterwards. Thank you so much for your article and pictures! Wendy M

Senior Digital Ranger

Really interesting blog, thank you for sharing this kind of information, it’s really good to know.

That is so very interesting. I am thrilled to hear the second chick will have a chance and that there is a project to help them! I can’t wait to hear more updates.

Great post! I think the ground hornbill is my favorite bird at Londolozi. It’s really cool that there is work being done to ensure their survival and that their numbers can grow!!

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