About the Author

Tayla Brown


Tayla grew up largely on a farm in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands, where she developed her love for nature. After completing school she spent time in Botswana before studying EcoTourism management in Pretoria, which served as a springboard into a guiding career at Phinda ...

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on The Robins On My Doorstep

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Thanks for sharing! We are on the opposite emisphere side so it’s wintertime and birds fill their bellies waiting for spring robins included… it’s very interesting to see differences and similarities in European robins and South African ones

Amazing to have the birds return a second year to nest in your “garden”. Lovely pics.

Why is it that the bird calls in the early morning help you start your day?! thank you Victoria

Senior Digital Ranger

with a camera in a nestbox you can follow the process on your computer without disturbing !

Amazing physiological development in such a short period. I would love to witness the early attempts at flying.

How lovely to be able to watch these chicks grow.

What a delightful story Tayla, so very special to enjoy the whole cycle so close to your door..makes one feel a little bit like the godmother. 👌💖🙏

So interesting to see the hatched chicks, naked and helpless. I think I’ve only seen them fully developed …… good spotting!

What sweet pictures! Hopefully they both survive now.

Master Tracker

It isn’t only the big 5, sometimes we overlook the nature on our doorstep – quite literally.

I never knew there was more than one species of Robin, so many thanks

Great story Tayla, thanks for sharing. It always amazes us how close you all are to even what seems like the smallest experiences!

Hi Tayla. Thank you so much for the lovely pics of this little bird family. Will you keep us posted on these two chicks and their parents? Thanks so much. Wendy M

Thanks for posting this wonderful story and accompanying photos!

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