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Christina Fox

Guest contributor

Christina is the Wellness Co-Ordinator of the Londolozi Healing House. With 22 years in the health and wellness industry, she has studied multiple healing modalities but specialises in intensive body work, yoga and breath therapy. She combines wilderness and wellness in a unique ...

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on Londolozi Healing House – Calming Breath

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Lovely and inyeresting blog Christina. Can’t wait for the next 7 day mindful challenge.

Thanks for the photo of Cry’s engaging smile!

Senior Digital Ranger

Yay another challenge 🙂 I loved the first one, looking forward to this. What an amazing place to do healing work Christina. I know that giving Reiki to stressed people in Joburg is necessary but I would trade the chaos of the city for the peace, tranquility and natural healing powers that the bush offers in a heartbeat.

Digital Ranger

Christina, Today’s blog brought tears. Sue and I are heartbroken that we can’t come in July. I just know there are many other Londo lovers who feel the same way. Believe me, we’re going to stay longer when we come next May. Let’s hope there’s a vaccine a.s.a.p. Wonderful photos of you, Cry and Phil, by the way!
Stay safe. Love, Andee

I love the words and LOVE the Breathe video. I will be sharing both with many.

the healing house is a wondrous place. in January I had a 90 minute massage from Christina. it was to die for. they wanted to get me to try the hot/freezing treatment, but my old bones were not up to it. However the massage was blissful and they kindly sent me home with a generous bag of the wonderful bath salts. I ration them and still have some. please give them a huge hug from me!! Victoria

Thanks Christina, I loved the first 7 days and have continued with meditation and breath work afterwards. I find it so nice to be in touch with myself in that way, it’s very calming. I actually thought to myself after the first day of the last challenge – have I actually ever taken a true breath?

I’ve appreciated the reminders to breathe, and not to live, but to reinvest in a spirituality that we’ve forgotten. So looking forward to the next series of the mindful challenge.

Christina, I have never been to healing house. We have been there 2011, 2014, 2017, 2018 – and expect to go in 2020 to celebrate our 50th wedding anniversary, Sept 5. But maybe the next time we go!

Terrific and thank you! Looking forward to the next mindfulness challenge!

Senior Digital Ranger

I have been craving a return to Londolozi and when I do am looking forward to a visit (or 2+) to the new Healing House. I have been trying to pay more attention to my breath- like remembering to take one! I have realized that something so critical to my life and well being is not getting the respect it and my being deserves. I appreciate the diagrams too.

Great blog thanks for sharing definitely going to try this. Londolozi keep up the great work

Interesting post!! I can’t wait to escape the city when transport routes begin to open up!

I did the 20 breaths this morning over and over. Much love to you Christina💕💕💕

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