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Chris Taylor


Chris was born and raised in the Kwa-Zulu/Natal Midlands where his family inspired his early passion for the natural world. Exploring Southern Africa as he grew up, this passion was allowed to develop and his curiosity to expand. After high school, Chris spent ...

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on One Giant Leap, 50 Years Later: A Moment to Marvel at the Moon

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Interesting blog Chris. You mentioned a few facts about the moon that I was not aware off. I remember the moon landing very well. I was 9 years old, and it was everywhere. We did not have television in South Africa yet but it was on the radio and in the cinemas. I have always loved watching the moon, if it is looking at the full moon rising thtough my ktchen window or the new moon in the early morning looking out thtough my bedroom window, it definitely make me realize how small we are.

Senior Digital Ranger

we didn’t have TV in Belgium either and we visited friends with TV to watch and it took the whole night before the landing really happened! A grandmother of a friend didn’t believe it : it was just a movie , not reality!
We will never forget , I was 26 !

In 2018 we were treated to an incredible dinner in the bush. The night skies were gorgeous and after dinner on the way back to camp Alfie was able to point out so many stars. Some we knew, but because we were below the equator they were in different places. Living in the city we lose these gorgeous moments, but I have to say the series of moon shots was spectacular ! Victoria

Chris, you mentioned the moon landing, I was 19 at the time – I remember it quite well – so amazing that they accomplished this fete.

Well presented Chris. I live on the water in Florida USA and the effects of the moon on the oceans is fascinating. I was wondering if you have noticed any differences in animal behavior during the different moon phases.

Ah, the moon – there is nothing more beautiful than seeing it rise in a light free location such as the African veld or a mountain range. One of my favorite memories from my stay at Londolozi is a sundowner, watching the full moon rise, perfectly situated behind a dead knob thorn tree……the end to a perfect day.
Thanks for your informative blog- after the moon landing I looked at the moon in a different way, but it’s always beautiful and magical.

Master Tracker

Cracking photos, and some skills I would like. One day I would like to see Londolozi run a completion for best photos , and if they ever do then should be a section for the non leopard section

Just tell us, was the leopard in the tree with the moon from Paul a “layered” shot?

Hi Guys,
Nope, one photo. Nanga female, full moon behind her.
Here is the full post on that sighting: https://blog.londolozi.com/2018/08/01/the-leopard-and-the-full-moon/

@James Tyrrell, thanks for sharing

We in America were totally submerged in the space program’s advances which was topped-off by the walk on the moon. I think every TV was turned on to watch….even the school children in their classrooms. You taught me a lot in this blog, Chris and I appreciate it. I was unaware that our earth continually only see’s one side of the moon and that Neil’s footprint still remains, unchanged. How awesome! So whether it’s science or viewing a magnificent sunset, the moon affects us all. Medically, there can be some weird cases in the hospital’s ER during a full moon. Personnel are aware and the moon effect the tides as well, but does the full moon have any affects on wildlife….or no. Oh…and thanks for the conversions you made in the blog so we could more fully appreciate what you wrote.

very interesting post, and beautiful photos!

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