About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on What Would YOU do for Love This Valentine’s Day?

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Senior Digital Ranger

lovely video!!

This was so cute – love is in the air

Senior Digital Ranger

You are the most clever bunch of people in all of Africa, maybe even beyond. And you work (almost) as hard as those dung beetles. Happy Valentine’s Day to everyone at Londolozi. And thanks for all you do.

Much fun! Getting more creative each week, James!

Valentine’s Day or no Valentine’s Day – very well demonstrated and very well put too! Thank you, James. Well done indeed! Wendy M

Awwwh. Love the video.

Hahaha! Love it! It looks like they’re rolling the balls with their back legs. I didn’t realize that’s how they did it, but I suppose that makes sense. Happy Valentine’s Day!

Great Video!!!

I have written it many times . . . but this clearly is one of your very best blogs . . . my compliments to all involved.

Wow! That is one brilliant video and I’m enjoying the fact that the hard working dung beetle is featured once again. Thanks to all of you in the media team for my daily dose of photos, information and videos that keep me connected to the beautiful world of Londolozi.

Just too unexpectedly and poignantly beautiful! Lessons for us all.

One of your best blogs yet. Thank you for this

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