Four months ago I decided that I would try something different and not take my camera out on game drive. The initial reason behind this decision was to guide myself to focus more on the bush, the animals and their behaviours without being distracted by a camera screen and the possibility of a great photograph.
Here is what I learnt…
Photography is an important element on a safari. Taking photographs of the incredible natural phenomena we witness out here allows one to capture rare moments that one will probably only see once in a lifetime. Photography allows one to reflect on the memory of those unique moments at a later stage, even years afterwards. Using a photograph to tell a story opens up a new dimension to storytelling; it provides listeners with a real visual representation of the moment. Photography and social media allow others all over the world to see the animals that are being protected and conserved; many people will never even get the chance to see them in the flesh!

A moment I’m very glad I had my camera there for; a huge python devouring an impala. Although certain images will be imprinted on your mind for a long time, it’s still nice to have that photograph to be able to show others, the easier to immerse them in the story.
However, photography also has the ability to distract you from what is really in front of you. Through not taking my camera out I have had more time to observe not only the animals but my guests as well.
I have seen how people can watch a leopard cub approach cautiously, the young animal having seen only a handful of vehicles and human beings in its short life, leap up a giant Jackalberry tree and start feeding on an impala kill hoisted in the branches by its mother the night before, all through the viewfinder of their camera. I have had guests missing out on actually seeing unique moments, which are sometimes a quick glimpse of a rare animal for example, because they are wildly swinging their lenses around whilst trying to get the settings right. I have done the same.
Some people feel frustration when they cannot get the ‘right’ shot for there is a misplaced blade of grass in front of a lion’s snout. Would that anger be there if one was observing and appreciating being in the presence of that animal without the stress of taking a ‘perfect’ photograph? Probably not.
So, what is the solution?
In my opinion the solution is to have your camera there. Have it with you and have it ready to take a photograph when you are watching something rare or exciting. However, remember to watch through your eyes too. Find the balance between taking what will never be an entirely perfect photograph and appreciating the incredible sight in front of you.
Remember the reason why you came to the African bush in the first place. Was that reason to get a photograph? If so, that is also fine. If not, was it perhaps to observe and be in the presence of some of the largest and most unique animals on the planet?

This elephant would probably be far more impressive if viewed with the naked eye rather than through a viewfinder.

Although a zoom lens can create an amazing image, you are unlikely to ever be looking a leopard in the eye from as close as this. Does being closer through magnification make the experience less authentic?
With the safari industry having been largely rebranded as the photographic safari industry, it’s always important to remember why everyone came to Africa before digital cameras, 10mp cameras in iPhones and social media.
The simple delight of being in nature, surrounded by truly wildlife. Therein lies the experience that will never lose the power to move you.
This is all so true. We are always trying to take as many photos as possible. Although it is exciting to look back and remember the wonderful moments captured in the bush. The opposite is to remember the moments spend in nature and to just enjoy the animals, trees, flowers, sunrises and sunsets. It is all just memories, digital or in your mind.
Thank you for your comment Marinda, I’m glad it resonated with you!
I agree, it is most important to put down the camera’s and let yourself enjoy the raw beauty of the bush.
Thank you Mj, I agree! To me, however, balance is the key!
You made so many insightful truths, Bruce. Not taking your camera for four months had to be a challenge … but just like a coin, there are always two sides of the subject. I try hard to put my camera down … to soak up the moment with my internal camera rolling for memory sake. But then my passion for photography overtakes me as my inner voice whispers, “Take the picture, Joanne….hurry!” The answer to the two sides is so individual. I seem to have my foot planted a bit on each side of that fence and it’s made me very happy. Easy for me to say I suppose … I live believing that there’s always another opportunity waiting ahead to pause and later click. In the end, Carpe Diem fully, which ever side you choose.
Joanne thank you for a wonderful and thorough response! As you say, it is best to have a foot on both sides, to find that balance, so that you don’t leave the bush having not really ‘seen’ everything this place has to offer! Thanks!
Great post. It took me almost our entire trip to let go of the need to capture everything on a camera, but once I did, it was a better trip.
Hi Charles! I’m happy my thoughts here rung true for you. I could see how much you appreciated the animals and that’s what the essence of safari is! Hope you guys are doing well!
I will try tolook more on my next visit. A ranger at Londo once suggested to all of us in the vehicle that we should try seeing without our cameras for a while.
Hi Judith, looking more may be something to try. Sometimes you have to do it consciously! Good luck!
An interesting idea, Bruce. I tried to remember to put down the camera and just observe – not in a disciplined way, but often enough to agree with your conclusions. Then again, you have the luxury of being in the bush daily rather than for a short safari where capturing that ‘best shot’ is capturing a memory!
I completely agree Mary Beth, and that’s why there is no right and wrong here, no perfect way to do things. You’ve got to just know inside your mind what the best way for yourself is!
I SO agree with you, Bruce. I can remember sightings in minute details that were very special sightings. I have them in my old Memory Box. The atmosphere and stillness of the Bush – a passing butterfly – and the centre-piece of a young Bull Elephant with his trunk across the bonnet of a landrover where I was sitting! And just before this a mother giraffe chasing her youngster round and round a large bush just after rain. If I had been fiddling with the camera, I would have lost so much of the actual picture and atmosphere of those particular scenes. But now I can bring them back so easily – from memory. However – having said that – I also so enjoy seeing other people’s sightings. What excellent photography! I have so many Screensavers now from my daily pics from Londolozi that make me so happy when I view them. My friends sit and watch them and are awed! Don’t stop! Well done to you all at Londolozi. Wendy M
Hi Wendy, thank you for the comment and your descriptions of sightings you have had in the bush. I’m glad that you have had these positive experiences out here! I also agree that there is need for a balance, photography is incredible and serves a very important purpose!
What you have written is so true. Oftentimes whilst on Safari, the mindset is to be ready to shoot. Cameras have been cleaned, settings in place, bean bags positioned, and then breathing anticipation of what you will find during the game drive. First time safari guests tends to do all of the above as it can be viewed as a once in a lifetime holiday – no fault in that, yet sometimes they miss the big picture, seeing in total and not just through a viewfinder or the back of an iPhone.
After my first safari a couple of decades ago, I put my camera down on the space next to me and just observed everything around me until there was a moment that I believed was worth capturing. It was freeing and I enjoyed my second trip so much more.
After a few safaris now, I try to find the balance between just being in the moment and picking up my camera to capture an image that makes me happy, providing lasting memories of that encounter.
Wonderful subject explored thoughtfully by you.
Hi Denise, thank you very much for the comment! I am happy that you are willing and keen to find that important balance!
Ah Bruce, I remember Ektachrome and if I could get the same sort of results on digital as I could with Ektachrome , I would be happy.
Bruce, We know it must have been hard to not get that “shot” for 4 months! It is a reminder though that being “in the moment” is the best part of the safari experience!