About the Author

Amy Attenborough


Amy worked at Londolozi from 2014 to 2017, guiding full time before moving into the media department, where her photographic and story-telling skills shone through. Her deep love of all things wild and her spiritual connection to Africa set her writing and guiding ...

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on Connection at our Fingertips

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Thank you, Amy. You’ve nailed it as far as man and technology are concerned. In somany respects it is overpowering humanity and needs to be kept in check on an individual basis. But the positives are fantastic! How I wish our ancestors could have a glimpse at what has happened. Keep up the good articles!

Thanks Peggy. It’s so true- can you imagine what our ancestors would think of the world we live in now! And can you imagine what we’ll be saying when we look back decades from now?..

Great article . . . and having gone on safaris for almost 20 years, clearly the internet represents a huge challenge for safari lodges. Upon arrival, what guest doesn’t ask ‘what is the WiFi password?’ Yet is it more important to see/hear/learn about elephants, termites & the rest of the critters . . . or check email and the latest headlines on CNN. We always encourage those traveling to the bush to disconnect as much as possible . . . and use all of the senses to truly experience Africa.

Absolutely Jeff! We couldn’t agree with you more! The more you can switch off here and connect with the wilderness directly the better and then take advantage of the technology when you’re home to tap back into Londolozi and share the experience with friends..


Nice blog as always


The Sparta pride grab my attention those young males are West Street males?thank you

Senior Digital Ranger

Amy, I was a varty camp guest May 2016 and have been reading the daily Londolozi blog almost daily since I planned that trip from far away Austin, TX…proof that humans are indeed the most connected species on the planet. I monitor the behaviors of the Tsalala pride and previously, the Matimba males I had the privilege of making the acquaintance of over a Kudu kill courtesy of a kill made by a lioness with two cubs one morning in late May 2016 through yours and others posts on this blog. Currently planning a return trip to Southern Africa for May 2018 with Londolozi an almost definite return visit. On a side note: have Austin wondered if your Attenborough name might be descended from another Attenborough that often narrates wildlife docs on the BBC. Have always enjoyed your blog entries


Wonderful article !! The internet has indeed shaped the world massively, these days we can watch a live Game Drive from the comfort of our homes !! Thank you Amy.

Nice blog Amy. You are right when you say “wonder what we will think of the world” further down our road in life.

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