About the Author

James Souchon

Field Guide

James started his guiding career at the world-renowned Phinda Game Reserve, spending four years learning about and showing guests the wonder of the incredibly rich biodiversity that the Maputaland area of South Africa has to offer. Having always wanted to guide in the ...

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on How to Survive a Safari in the Rain

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Hi James, we experienced rain and indeed it can be great but more when you have thunderstorms!
We are leaving for Botswana Tomorrow , must say that I hope for some sunny days..Warm regards

Thanks,James for a lovely article as going on safari in the summer carries a real rain threat and if you are prepared it takes the edge off and you see different things as you noted well.In addition there are excellent rain covers not only for cameras but also for the expensive long lenses and they are not expensive.One last thought is that if you forget you can always use a garbage /trash bag which works very well for all photo equipment.

Hi James – you are spot on! Heading out to you in 3 days and yes we have been scanning the weather reports and seeing a fair amount of heavy rain forecast and feeling a bit downhearted! But – waterproof trousers and jacket packed! Lens and camera covers packed! We’re coming prepared (apart from the gumboots!) and the sun may even shine and there are often great opportunities as the sun breaks through the clouds for a great photo! Looking forward to it! What a difference from this time last year when the ground was tinder dry!

Ah…if only ponchos in the vehicles weren’t one-size-fits-all. Wearing one ona 5 foot tall frame is not fun….but I’ll still go out. Should remember wellies also. An udea to rent? Like camera equipment? Just a thought from a guest who leaves my heart in Londolozi when I depart the reserve.

Great article James. You are right, so you get wet – you can always change when you get back. The animals do take advantage of the rain and wind, so you never know what’s around the next corner. Thanks very much.

Carole Househam

Everything looks very different to when I was there last year, like you say it was tinder dry. Enjoy the different experience with such a different flora look to last year at this time.


Good advice James. To keep positive and see it as an adventure is key.

Bev Goodlace

My recommendation is to just enjoy the fantastic rain. I prefer to wear slops when it rains during a game drive – easy to dry and no wet socks. So happy there have been such good rains.

Great blog, James! You just have to embrace the journey, no matter what the weather. It will be the most incredible experience of your life, guaranteed!


We are visiting the Kruger next Summer and rain has always been my biggest worry. That has now changed, thanks to this article, in fact, I wish it could rain in one of our Safaris. Thanks James !!

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