Involved Leopards

Nhlanguleni 3:2 Female

Nhlanguleni 3:2 Female

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About the Author

Callum Gowar

Field Guide

Growing up in Cape Town, the opposite end of South Africa from its main wildlife areas, didn't slow Callum down when embarking on his ranger training at Londolozi at the start of 2015. He had slowly begun moving north-east through the country anyway, ...

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on Deja Vu: A Leopard’s Favourite Tree

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Sharon Blackburn

Another wonderful post, Callum!! I love that these careful observations are being made and recorded, and that patterns of behavior are compared. It is so interesting to speculate about animal behaviors, as is often the subject of the blogs. When one gets to know the animals as individuals, as those of you lucky enough to live at Londolozi do, it provides a more meaningful understanding of the experience of observing them. As visitors, we get the privilege of observing and learning about the animals for a few days, so it is gratifying to read about them daily when we are not there. All of you are contributing greatly to the knowledge base about animal behavior! But, I agree, Callum, we have so much to learn about nature, and the mystery of not really knowing is exciting!

Great article Callum and, yes, it would be nice if we were able to communicate with the different animals to learn of their habits and favourite resting spots. Nice that you are recording all these things for future generations. Thanks for doing what you all do.

Thanks has the Nhlanguleni female’s remaining cub been found. We were fortunate to have seen both last Autumn and hope this one is still with us?

Jake Donavan

Hi Callum – Grace and I have been reading your posts. We miss our time with you and Freddy so much! It was an amazing Easter week in the bush. Grace is wondering if the two leopard cubs that we saw (sadly without you) running away from the hyena the last day made it away safely? We love the blog. Best regards to you and Freddy!

what an amazing article and I must say you spent alot of time to write this, wonderful I also start me tree services for living things a I love natur

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