About the Author

Amy Attenborough


Amy worked at Londolozi from 2014 to 2017, guiding full time before moving into the media department, where her photographic and story-telling skills shone through. Her deep love of all things wild and her spiritual connection to Africa set her writing and guiding ...

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on Be Rebellious Enough to Hold Hope

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Kerri Lacher

Beautiful and inspiring essay with many learnings we may all apply in our lives, in and outside of Londolozi. Thank you!

Debbie and Frank Kohlenstein

Beautifully written food for thought. Thank you.

A beautiful article Amy. Mother Nature is amazing. You have the prayers of many that you get the much needed rain. In the natural order of life there are many trials and tribulations, however, these are things that only make us all that much stronger and help us appreciate what we are blessed with. What a beautiful spot is Londolozi and what amazing people you are. Thank you.

Thank you Lea! We appreciate your positive thoughts and prayers.

Wow Amy, you truly have a beautiful literary heart. Very nice and refreshing way to think about the draught but I still hope the big rains come!

Thanks Bob and Lucie! I appreciate the kind words! And I second you, fingers crossed for some big rain soon!

amazing write up as usual amy

Catherine Millar

Thank you for this thoughtful piece. The world seems to be overwhelmed by conflict and upheaval these days. The unthinkable is happening all around us. Climatic changes are impacting politics around the world. Hopefully, we will soon begin to recognize and act in order to preserve our natural resources and the rich diversity that we all love.

Thank you Catherine! It’s true but I think it’s also really heart warming to see countless examples of people making positive change despite the trying circumstances. I think from this place of positivity, the shifts we can make together will be all the more profound 🙂

Thank you Amy for the beautiful words and for updating us on what’s happening in Londolozi. I’m still worried about the white rhinos, that already have to endure the poachers, now also have to face starvation. Boots On The Ground is starting to make what they call “feed drives” and asking for help on their Instagram page.

Thanks for the information Norberto. It’s beautiful to see people taking action for the things they care about!

Senior Digital Ranger

That is so beautifully written & very true! Thank you Amy. Lets all hope & pray it rains throughout South Africa very soon!


That photo of the leopard tortoise might just be the cutest thing ever. Beautiful article Amy, praying that the rains will pour over and break the dry spell 🙂

Senior Digital Ranger

A beautiful poem on which to reflect and yet another inspiring article. Thank you. We are also praying for rain.

Susie Hirst

Thank you Amy for sharing that wonderful poem and also your wise thoughts. Hope is vital in this world of ours & to learn & grow what it’s all about.


Your writing makes an ex safari guide living in Australia misty eyed! Keep up the good work!

Thanks Ian! I hope you still managing to get out into nature in Aus too 🙂

This is so my life. Thanks Amy

It’s amazing how pertinent nature’s teachings are to all of our lives hey Susan! Hope you’re well. Sending love!

Paul G. Flores

Beautiful – mystery of life and its struggles in a poem and analogy. Writers of Londolozi rocks – coming form a guy whose never been to a safari.

Such wisdom, my friend! Beautifully written and oh so true.

Thank you Eve. Hope you’re having fun in the big city lights 🙂 Sending love!

Diana Viney

Amy, your thoughtful writing and reflections make this world a much richer place. Thanks for sharing.

Thank you Diana. Such kind words!

Wonderful words, superb pictures. You have a knack for writing. Keep it going.
Peter Matthiessen’s “The Tree Where Man was Born” is one of my favourite books. He was a wonderful writer, wasn’t he?

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