About the Author

Werner Breedt

Field Guide

Werner guided at Londolozi from 2014-2016, but misses it so much now that he is based down in the Western Cape, that he begged to be able to continue contributing to the blog. Look out for his posts on a wide range of ...

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on It’s Not Just a Bird: What the Woodland Kingfisher Means to Londolozi

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Jill Grady

That is a spectacularly beautiful bird Werner! I wasn’t able to see the Woodlands Kingfisher when I was there in Sept. 2013 — too early for its arrival at Londolozi, with very cold mornings still. Thank you for the great blog and stunning pictures.

Thank you Jill!
Well come and visit us now! Sure you will be able to see one ! They are beautiful and every second spent with them is so worthwhile!

Jill Grady

That would be fantastic Werner! I’m hoping to be back there at Londolozi one day soon! It would be great seeing all the beautiful birds, including the Woodland Kingfisher.

Brian C

I had never seen this incredible bird before. Thanks. The colors remind me of the Blue Jay, although the Woodland Kingfisher is a lighter sky blue. It is just beautiful.

Glen M

Stunning pictures of a stunning bird.


What a sighting of a pretty bird

For me, the kingfishers are too not just birds!

Well, he died in the year 1926, I’ve forgot about it a little. But it doesn’t matter to me.

I found a kingfish in my apartment so I begin investigating about it. I’m from Africa as you’ll know in Africa when things like this happens they will condemn it calling it witch bird or been sent by evil one. After several investigation, my apartment is alway locked the windows are locked 24hours I do this to avoid mosquitoes not to get in coz I live close to bushy area (wood) I saw the bird flying inside one of the room I barely use, trying to find a way to escape, running through the window but this window are locked. Now the mystery has began, I get a basket and cage it. I now report to my family telling them how it happened. The bird in the basket I cover the hole and put it outside backyard of the house and went inside to monitor it through the window for several hours until I saw his look alike coming to the basket to rescue him/her then I realize it just a normal bird. Guess what, After reported to my family, my mom told me to kill it break his leg it a witch bird all sort of things she said. I keep explaining to her not what she think that this can’t be true, she instructed I take it to church meet the pastor to find out about the bird and gave me some prayer quote. I felt pity on this bird so beautiful blue wings red golden little long mouth. Not like I’m trying to be a disobedient son, I definitely not gonna kill this bird. How it get into my apartment I can’t explain this mystery. Before I could come up with the name kingfisher I had to search in google what the name of bird with blue wings color red mouth “kingfisher” came up on the search I went through the images I saw exactly this bird that is found inside my apartment. There are different kind of kingfisher but I saw exactly the type been captured by me inside the apartment. I kept it hostage, in my mind I said I won’t kill this bird despite my family warning. I said let me keep this bird at least two to three days with me. First night I put in some rice and garri the bird didn’t eat it, all it do was biting the basket trying to get escape. The second day I bring in bread to my greatest surprise the kingfisher ate it then I put in more bread it keep eating. It melt my heart I’ll set it free after three days.
Lesson: 1) Not everything is witch (spiritual)
Lesson: 2) Animal love (you can see his look alike trying to help rescue)
Lesson: 3) Nature.

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