on A Hyena Goes in for The Kill and Astounds Everyone

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Amazing pictures of an incredible scene the one of the Hyena looking towards who covered in blood is a priceless photo of the wild African Bush.

Stunning images. Incredible sighting.

I almost felt as if I were there…fantastic series of photos. My mouth is still open in awe and fascination. Although one impala perished, at least one survived. A belated happy birthday! Did you get an elephant dung cake as I did on mine?

Courtney Tennison

Amazing photos! I was in a separate vehicle that also had the incredible luck to witness this scene. It was our final drive before we had to fly home – and what a parting gift! The hyenas devoured the impala, bone and all, and left only scraps for the eagles and vultures circling above. So cool! Thanks for sharing!

Julia Salnicki

Great photos! Delighted to see pictures of hyaena taking a natural advantage of the situation, and showing clearly what they are capable of and that they don’t just scavenge, as so many people mistakenly believe.

Selven Govender

Brilliant Footage …This is nature and the cycle of life

Senior Digital Ranger

Amazing pictures, thanks for sharing them with us! Sadly there is only one victor & the Hyena won this time round!!

Whilst gory the pictures depict death and survival. Amazing clarity in the second last shot. As you said the pictures raise a mix of emotions.

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10 April, 2798
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