About the Author

Andrea Campbell

Alumni Ranger

Andrea has an energy that is hard to match. It's difficult to find anything in the bush that she doesn't get excited about, whether it's the molluscs in the Sand River, setting up camera traps all over the show to try and capture ...

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Interesting blog Andrea. Beautiful birds. Such a pleasure to see them.

Pat Meadowcroft

Dear Andrea,
Thank you for this artical. I also want to thank you for having such a good eye. I doubt that I would have seen as many different types of birds had it not been for your sightings! As a result I have many beautiful photos.
Patricia Meadowcroft

Thanks Pat! When are you planning your next visit? It would be great to have you back.

Jill Grady

Really interesting Andrea. South Africa has such beautiful birds. I loved seeing all the different species when I was at Londolozi…they were really interesting to watch and so beautifully coloured.

Senior Digital Ranger

Thank you Andrea that is something that I leave to you Rangers/Guides who are the experts in the field. Enjoy your days in the bush 🙂

Ian MacLarty

Hi Andrea, Yes I have seen the African Goshawk at Londos on several occasions but not when we there in April this year. However Little Banded Goshawk was frequently see perched in the Jackalberry outside the shop.

Nice article. Thanks. Ian

Thanks Ian. I am so glad you have seen both those species here. It was quite funny that the afternoon I posted this blog, the African Goshawk was chasing bats around the staff village!

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