on 20 Of the Most Powerful Photographs of Yesteryear

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Stunning photographs. Great idea to publish some of these remarkable images again.

Senior Digital Ranger

My favorites are the ones where life is renewed. But I also love the one of the Marthly male leaping from the tree with his stolen kill.

Derek Smith

as alway,s wonderful images. its too long since i was there. but these images helps me to remember my excitement to. when you see this in real life it becomes part of who you are. and you know you are part of something wonderful.

Heather Lucas

Gorgeous images. My young daughters and I love sharing your blog each day and this was a favorite!

Lynn Rattray



Beautiful images,is there any update on the Tu tones male?

Any picture is worthy of attention, but Tamboti is special to me after spending time with her in September.

Senior Digital Ranger

Suspended in animation!!!! The hyena has such a “far away” look on his face thinking, “maybe if I could learn to climb trees then I could get the free dinner” 🙂
The Marthy springing from the tree shows such power & all the new life to the Park <3
Thanks for the blog all the beautiful memories

G. Single

Wonderful photographs, thanks for sharing this touching moments like the new born buffalo and nyala calf . I love the jumping hyena.

wow and wow again…without these amazing shots by incredible photographers we would never witness such magnificent moments in nature. Thank you a million times over

Jill Grady

These are all fantastic photographs Kate, but the one of the Mhangeni pride on the scorched earth is astounding…quite a contrast between the destruction of the fire and the strength of the pride to endure such a horrific fire. If there was ever a picture worth a thousand words this one is it.

Hi Jill, I completely agree. If I had to choose a favourite than it would be the lions on the scorched earth – it really is outstanding.

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