About the Author

Simon Smit

Guest contributor

Simon boasts almost five years of guiding, two of them at Londolozi. His photographic work was already catching the eye of the team here for a long time before he joined the reserve, and he was asked to contribute to the blog literally ...

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on Wild Dogs Choose a New Den

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Fantastic news. Awesome to see them denning on Londolozi

Casey 99

Have been so fortunate to experience some amazing sightings of these Wild Dogs including being there at the new den as the pack returned to the pups and then just this afternoon to witness the main pack go hunting and kill a warthog.
An incredible once-in-a-lifetime experience. Many thanks to Don and Judas.

Jill Grady

Great blog Simon and wonderful photos Simon, Kate and Trevor! What amazing sightings you managed to capture of the Wild Dogs!

Can’t wait to meet the pups!

It has been great having them around, I was there again this morning and seeing the excited pack interact is tough to put into words! Casey you were so lucky to have been a part of a kill, we so rarely get that small window into these incredible animals lives, I’m very jealous!

Brian C

Would love to see the wild dogs in action. The pups are quite cute!

Master Tracker

3 more weeks and I will be at Founders Camp, hoping that they will hang around for just a bit longer

Senior Digital Ranger

Wonderful animals they are & hated for all the wrong reasons. Thanks to you all for sharing the writings & pictures with us.

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