This blog is dedicated to one small elephant, only a few months old, whom we had the privilege of viewing late in the afternoon while on safari at Londolozi Private Game Reserve. This whole story played out in front of us in just a matter of fifteen minutes. It is this type of experience that makes you want to return to Londolozi again and again… FOREVER.

When the older elephants stopped in the road for a dust bath, all the wee elephant could do was stop and try mimic them.

Wanting to show the others the stuff he was made of, and to prove he rightfully belonged in the herd, he decided to get back up.

But it wasn’t all that easy. First he had to get his feet in the proper position and then swing his trunk to get the required momentum.

“Why me? I gave it my best shot and I am just bushed. Tomorrow will be another day and I will show them I can be a member of this herd.”

“I know I have embarrassed you but please don’t thump me with your trunk. You watch, I will make you proud.”

It was time for the herd to continue their journey and the wee elephant took up his place in the herd once again.
It was an honour and privilege to share a few moments of this wee elephant’s life and gain some insight into the rigours of life in the bush. Thanks to Mike Karantonis, our guide, and to all the people of Londolozi for the great work you do every day in preserving this opportunity for all to see.
Written and Photographed by: Edward Hubbard
Feel like being transported to the bush? Watch this video filmed of elephants playing at Maidies Dam:
What a lovely experience. Awesome pics, a once in a lifetime sighting. Elephants can be so ”human”
Fun in the sun.
Such a wonderful sighting. Thank you Ed.
Thank you Ed for sharing these very moving pictures of this precious baby ellie. They must get very tired following after the big guys.
Thank you Ed, that was wonderful! Great photographs and blog! Such a cute little elephant and so tired…poor wee guy!
Stay tuned for the next blog from Ed, coming soon!
With their bum in the air,head down, were they churning up the bed of the river for something ? T’would be great to have a commentary and see the underwater goings on, but great to see. Thanks. F
Oh my, this made me tear up. What a fabulous thing to witness. I would be wanting to make the herd stop for a bit so he could have a short nap! I hope this little one is still overcoming and succeeding, and will live a long ellie life.
So beautiful! I’ll smile all day thinking of that wee little elephant! What a big personality for one so small! Thank you for sharing!!!