About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on RunMadagascar Update

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Well done Pete and James – we’re behind you all the way.

Jill Grady

It sounds like you are doing really well James and Pete, and I am behind you all the way as well. Stay safe and keep the updates coming…I love to hear how you are both progressing!

Thank you Jill, we will make sure to keep posting regular updates.

Senior Digital Ranger

Keep going James & Pete. You are very brave, but I would be happier knowing that you are being “followed” by a wagon that you would be able to jump into in an emergency, because we want to hear all about the happenings on the training sessions when you are done with this 🙂

Thank you Wendy. James and Pete are on full alert and have their radios on them at all times to call for help if need be. They’re also being very good about not using iPods – so that they can hear any noises to alert them to possible dangers! Nothing quite like running in the wild.

Senior Digital Ranger

Indeed there must be nothing to beat running in the wild, I guess I worry about them even though I know they will be looked after. Look forward to more updates. 🙂

Jan Baldwin

We will be cheering in you on from the US. May you make your goal a reality.

Hi Jan, thanks so much for the support.

Just watched your video and really enjoyed it!! Wishing you both all the best of luck and happy & ‘safe’ training !!

Thank you Carol. We will keep you updated on James and Pete’s progress as we get closer to the big event.

We feel your pain & your joy–good work guys, we are thinking about you & next time you see a rhino, tell him Arden says see you in September.

Loving the progress updates – go Team Londolozi!

Thank you Ryan. Team Londolozi all the way!

Steve Hawinkels

Strong effort lads – keep up the good work with the training…it will all count come day-5 in Madagascar! Look forward to further updates. Ps good choice with the OMM 25l packs…

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