About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on Lions Kill Wildebeest

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Kristine Dong

Completely AMAZING! I hope I get to enjoy a bush dinner on the 3rd visit next month. Probably too much to ask for a lion kill to go along with it…

45 days and counting!

Oh how I wish I was there. Can they do it again in September–just kidding. What a wonderful experience to have.

Senior Digital Ranger

Wow how amazing! Thanks James, wonderful pictures & video.


Awesome ! Sorry about this wildebeest . But it was a good nite for these lionesses , especially they got to help their hard found & earned meal from the usual hyenas .


thanks heaps. nice to see the Sparta pride. looks like the young ladies with their cubs are doing well.

It is always amazing to me to watch lioness kill an animal. They take it down with such force, and then, as the animal dies, there is a certain tenderness. They lick the muzzle, the hide…it’s as if they give thanks and wish it well…they always do it. I am sure I am anthropomorphizing, still it is good they recognize death and that which they are about to receive.
Thanks for the video. So glad the Spartas are thriving, again!


Hi James,THanks for sharing your evening of excitement with us !!!

Awesomse sighting JT

Wonderful experience….wish I had been there to watch with you.

lucien beaumont

Great photos & Footage JT! epic!

Stephanie P.

Counting down the days until I return to Londolozi again! Hope to see these wonderful lions. Keep up the good work with the pics, awesome to see!

Michelle Madhok

That is amazing. Safari with you was a life changing experience for me and michael.

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