on How to Photograph with a Wide angle lens

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This is a fantastic read!! Thanks for the info! Will be bringing my wide angle to Londoz in August!

Great stuff Mike. My Canon 7D came with a 10X22 and I use with great success. I didn’t have it when I previously visited Londolozi, but you can be certain I will have it when I return in May 2014. I consider it the best thing I have other than my 100X400.

Great write up Mike, thanks for the interesting ideas and thoughts on this new approach to wildlife photography. Its interesting to note that Greg du Toit’s image which won the Wildlife Photographer of the Year 2013 competition was taken with a 16-35mm f4 lens. rich

Great Stuff Mike, thank you so much for all the tips…

Senior Digital Ranger

Mike, I am no expert, but I love all the pictures that are posted on the blogs, but I would like to ask you why, with this new wide angled lens, is it that the elephants, especially the B&W picture seem to be leaning in, as are the dead leadwood trees & the elephant in the last picture. Its almost like a “fish-eye” lens effect? I would like to see your comment.

As always I learn so much when I visit the blog. Mostly about the animals. Here you inspire me to try something new. Like you, I have avoided the wide angle, leaving what I labeled “establishing shots” to Fred.
My goal this year is to explore new possibilities. We leave in a few weeks for the Galapagos. I’ve been fretting about doing the same old thing. Out of the cabinet where it has been gathering dust and into my travel case goes my Canon 16-35. Thank you for insights and beautiful examples.
Jo Lynne


Thanks Mike, really great article!

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