The four Majingilane Males have been present at Londolozi for just over two years now. At first their approach, to pride domination, seemed to me to be chaotic and unplanned…I now feel that they have taken a turn in the last month or two. I now see in them a new explosion of confidence and assurance. They seem to be firmly in control of the current lion dynamics that are unfolding.
I previously regarded them as quite a ‘loose’ coalition but now I can see that the bonds are strengthening. One of the major reasons I say this is the amount of time they are now spending together as a complete unite. Previously, they had spent a lot of time alone or in pairs; with only one sighting in a blue moon of the force completely united. Now, however, we see them will some regularity as a group of four. Could this be a sign that all is good in the pride-lands or could this in fact symbol the opposite? Could there be some force working its way through the area that is threatening their dominance. By force I mean another coalition. We look north towards the Matimba Males, south towards the Kruger Males and west towards the Selati (southern) Males.
Never a dull moment with the Lions of Londolozi

A meeting of the band of brothers… the four males from the notorious Majingilane Coalition unite. Sightings of the four males together are rare. They occupy such a large area and are in control of five prides. One tactic they employ is to spread out to cover as much land as possible. Although not a great shot ‘photographically speaking’ it speaks volumes about their behaviour

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It is my opinion that these males are the most beautiful cats in the world. With this beauty comes complex stories of pride, love, deceit, anger, tension, control, peace and every other conceivable emotion – they wear these emotions on their faces in the forms of cuts and bruises

With each day the manes of these magnificent males get longer and thicker. Their bond too, between the coalition members, appears to be getting stronger

Stride for stride: these males have become the controlling force over much of the Sabi Sands Game Reserve. Having dethroned the previous regime known as the Mapogo, they have the makings of true legends of the lion world

The Golden Mane Majingilane is the male who we most often encounter alone. Could it be that he is slightly younger than the others?
Written and photographed by Adam Bannister
Wow Adam….absoutely amazing pictures….bonding of animals are just like families…at times we are all together & other times we go are seperate ways, but the bond is always within all our grasp.
Very few human families could ever have the type of bond these animal warriors have, imo. They live a much more brutal life, filled with death and horror from the time they are babies. The young male lions have nobody but there brothers to depend on in their tough circumstances and I think they say that 80% of lion cubs don’t survive to adulthood. It may be impossible for humans to fully understand how deep and strong their bond really is, despite the fact they don’t share food or females in a very friendly manner most of the time.
Awesome pictures of these beautiful lions.
A- your pictures are so magnificent! The males are incredible. Can’t wait to come back to Londolozi- hope all’s well!
Wonderful to see them looking so strong and healthy. The last time I saw them was on June 26 2011. They looked healthy then too! Beautiful coalition.
The boys are looking so good!
Great Pictures of those incredible Warriors!
Because Golden mane is the younger of the four manjingilane,He eat last and stay way from His olders and more dominant Brothers.
I guess that is why kinki tail and Mr T caught and Killed the fifth member of the manjingilane coalition
perhaps He was the younger .
The 5th Majingilane sure did have a large skull compared to KT in the photo of their postmortem skull bones side by side. Maybe he wasn’t that young, but simply got caught slipping by two Mapogo’s that day and KT and Mr. T were more experienced warriors with obviously no fear of anything. Once they had him down and crunched his legs, there was no hope for #5…no matter his age or size. KT and Mr. T would have attempted to kill any of those Majingi’s, regardless of size or age I bet.
awsome photos once again you guys rock amazing to see the bond between the bro,s is just getin stronger, well done Adam you always amaze us with your photos and news.I live in new zealand and log on every day to see how londolozi is going me and all my mates love what you guys do and one day i hope to take my family to londolozi and meet you guys.
Wondering if there is any information about the remaining Mapogo. Is Makhulu considered dead? And Pretty Boy, the only remaining? ( I realize they do not enter Londolozi frequently.)
Seems like a strange question to ask while reading this article about Majingilane’s? PB and Mak are either seperated or Mak is dead and PB is wandering, unfortunately it is just a matter of time for both of them, even if big Mak is still alive. They are old and not very strong anylonger. PB has been wounded many times in the past and wouldn’t even go on patrol with Makulu and Mr. T at the beginning of this year, iirc.
Thanks for answering James. I don’t think it is a strange question at all.
A perfectly reasonably question, with lots of people wondering what’s happened! Thanks.
the two mapogo are alive. i have see a some recents photos of Mak and PB
Great photos, Adam. These boys are really becoming a force to be reckoned. Of course, it seems there is always one lion in the larger coalitions with a messed up nose, rwl.
Thank you for the update and pictures of these Majingilane males.. I hope their future is long and prosperous…
If they could speak what a tale they could tell. I suppose their battle wounds speak volumes. Adam thank you so much for taking the time to blog and the incredible pictures.
It is good to see the Majingilane coalition are in control and that they are maturing by the look of their ever changing mane size.Who is the dominant male,Is it Dark mane because am yet to know like i knew Makulu was the dominant male followed by Kinky tail and then Mr.T of the Mapogo coalition.Finally what would make you think Golden mane is slightly younger than the others?All in all thanks for giving us the latest info of the majingilane as of August 4th and i look forward to more.
Dark mane is apparently the dominant male of this coalition from what most people have reported. Seems like Smudge might be 1b in the group though and gets lots of female attention.
I wouldn’t consider Kinky tail or Mr. T dominant over Dreadlocks or Rasta, isn’t that why KT and Mr. T left for greener pastures? Because Dreadlocks, Rasta and of course Makulu were getting to mate with all the girls in the Western area. Gotta give KT and Mr. T credit for going out on their own though and getting there own females…but not because they were dominant over their older bigger brothers. Just my opinion after reading lots of info about the Mapogos for 7+ years.
Adam just one more thing, you talk of the majingilane coalition of previously being seen alone or in pairs of two but currently they have united of late.That was also the same thing with the Mapogo coalition and its normal Mr.T and Kinky tail were always together and Sometimes on their own and Makulu spent a lot of times on his own so i do not see anything unusual when you say I previously regarded them as quite a ‘loose’ coalition but now I can see that the bonds are strengthening. One of the major reasons I say this is the amount of time they are now spending together as a complete unite. Previously, they had spent a lot of time alone or in pairs; with only one sighting in a blue moon of the force completely united. I hope you get my point.
Didn’t they go patrolling up North after hearing the Matimba’s roaring near their border a month or so ago? Perhaps this is the reason they have decided it is wise to not be separated as much, because they can tell there is a large group when the Matimbas all start roaring or if even half of them roar near their border. Perhaps other dynamics happened also, I think I read that the Selati’s were also a little close to their area and also roaring recently. Perhaps the Kruger males and their big group of Southern females also got a little too close recently and the Majingilane’s are getting prepared to fight whomever to defend their kingdom and keep their 5 prides of females. They also seem like very intelligent lions and know what happens if you get caught slipping by yourself, like KT did that fateful day in June of 2010 when he went charging into battle alone…or like their brother did the day before they killed KT.
Have the majingalane boys and the matimbas ever crossed paths?
Yes they have. Twice that I am aware of. Difficult to say who won as neither contest has resulted in much blood. Witnesses say that Matimba have run away both times though?
One thing I noticed and is,that all those 3 coalition,Matimba’s,Selati’s,manjingilane’s and i hear about a new coalition with like 9 male lions.
All of then Young with Power ambitious greater than themselves.
It will just matters of few weeks or months,that all hell get lose and each coalition will start attacking each others.
I hope you guys in Londolozi,will be ready for those moments and bring us pictures and videos.
because I can feel blood is coming soon.
Scar-nose, has a truly menacing look. Something about him… Thanks for the amazing photographs!
I hope all 4 brothers are together when new males step on there grounds, i would hate to see them go down like the mapogos.
magnificent to see them together. I only got a glimpse of the one at night after the dinner in the bush. …..when I dropped my camera outside the vehicle : 0. I would love to see more of them-one of my goals upon my return is to photograph this male coalition. I wouldn’t mind seeing seven more leopards to match the seven I saw the last time!
Hello Irene. When are you planning on heading back to Londolozi. Look forward to seeing you and taking on the challenge of trying to photograph the Majingilane Males
Awesome pics Adam, thank you!
We need to see a map of Sabi Sands, Manyeleti, Kruger etc… and color code the territories of these coalitions… I have only been following lions for a year now and what I ponder most, is the size of their territories. I understand the Majingilane claim all of Londolozi.. but Londolozi is just one section within Sabi Sands Game Reserve, right? Which coalition has the most territory? Which has the least? How much land is enough for a safe and successful dynasty? What is too little? Just wondering if it’s possible… Oh yeah, not just lions but, leopards, cheetahs, and hyenas as well.
We are working on it Robert 🙂
Well that is great news!! I will patiently await the coming of it. Thanks Adam!
Hi Adam. You say that they are dominant over 5 prides. I know they dominate the Tsalala, Sparta, Styx and Fourways prides. So which is the 5th pride? …Thank you!
Bader the 5th pride is the young Tsalala lionesses that are seperate from the older Tsalala pride lionesses and seem to be a breakaway pride from the Tsalala’s
Take a look at the the skybed pride of 9 males for those that haven’t seen them
I suspect since 2 of their males have been killed by the matimba’s (yeah there were at least 11-14 males) they will probably avoid them for now. I suspect in another 1-2 years or so , they may get together to exact revenge on them. This is a huge number to contend with.
I have not seen the skybed pride of 9 but only about 3.
Thank you for this, this was well written and informative: it is good that their bonds are getting stronger, I was a little concerned at first, especially for, Golden Mane. Although have you noticed Golden Mane’s mane isn’t that golden anymore? He’s gotten a bit darker. I think the only thing that might be at his disadvantage is his age, however, that might be his advantage a bit later in the years.
Thanks again.
If any of the coalition get caught seperated from the others by an invading new coalition then that could be the beginning of the end of the majingalane same happend to mapogo
mapogo mak and pb r alive yay
Go matimba lions
It wasnt them who dethroned the aging and dispersed Mapogo, not alone anyways. Both the Selati and Majingilane coalitions ended their regime, the aging Mapogo just couldnt fight on three different fronts(they also fought the kruger coalition which they succedeed in fending off) and eventually got defeated…rip Mapogo.
I wish I had been around back then to witness this coalition.