on Reflections on Londolozi – A Year Later

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James T

We hope to have you back here soon! These are some great pictures!
The male leopard in the last two pictures is in fact the Tugwaan or Short Tail male as far as i can see. Both he and the 5:5 male have 5 prominent spots on their right cheeks, but the Tugwaan male’s upper one is slightly larger and above the second spot from the left, whilst the 5:5 male’s is slightly smaller and more centrally placed (visitors to the blog can refer to the Leopards of Londolozi link at the top of the screen for more info on how to ID leopards using their whisker spots).

Gail Woloz

I too always question – “When will I return?” Once one experiences the Londolozi Africa, one’s heart and soul belong to them and there is always that yearning. I am the lucky one who gets to recommend Londolozi to clients, including this guest writer! It gives me such great pleasure to awaken another traveler’s senses to experiences they only dreamed about……….keeping Londolozi in my vision does mean that I will return…….the question “when?”………love to all of the Londolozi family who makes dreams come true!

Thanks Gail.

Sandy Johnson

I miss all those things too! Well, I didn’t meet Adam and Solly but maybe next time. I hope you return some day. I think of Africa every day. Once you have been there, it is in your heart forever.

I’ll be there this December…..a return visit. I left large pieces of my heart there!

Can’t wait to see you Judy

Verney Moyo

Hey Londoz I”m a bit confused…the male in the pic looks like Short tail male/Tugwaan male…am I wrong?

You are indeed right. These two leopards can be easily confused.


Amazing pics awsome to see hw close the mapogo brothers still are.

We HAVE decided to return! Last time we visited in May 2010 with JV, then headed off to Tiger Canyons – what a trip of a lifetime that was! But we can’t stay away and will come to Londolozi again in the Spring of 2013. The blogs do definitely keep Londolozi fresh and alive every day in California!


a question Londolozi , Mapogos How many There is now , Greetings


I’m Glad to see the two mapogo’s brothers together and alive
I read in a post some where,I don’t remember where
that the older Mapogo was Kill by those two Kruger Lions

Elisabeth Douglas

What magnificent pictures and couldn´t agree more with the blogtext. And we are counting the days until we can admire all the fantastic animals and the Londolozi family again. Soon we´ll be there again. Lots of love from the Douglas family

I cant wait to see you and the family again. Solly and I are ready to show you even more magic this time around. only a month or so to go… 🙂 Adam

Tammy Perger

It seems to me you had a wonderful trip & where able to retrieve some amazing pictures….since I was a little girl I always wanted to go to Africa and see the animals & my dream has come true I will be heading to Londolozi in November of this year. I just hope I will come back home to my Family….:)

Thank You for sharing your beautiful Pictures & Memories.

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