on The Week in Pictures #26

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As always, fantastic pics Talley. Great to see the Tutlwa female out and about, particularly to witness her hunt. I also think the Vomba Female standing on the termite mound in the rain is a brilliant pic Well done!

Lovely photos! I especially like the saddle bill stork…the irridescence is striking contrast with the bright orange! May try a watercolor of that photo! 😉

The portrait of the lion cub ‘Shayne’ is very poignant. Almost looks as though he is contemplating…that’s a keeper!

Very sorry to hear of your loss, as well. I am sure your friend will follow you always.
Best and Happy New Year!

Kim Blaquera

The pictures are fabulous! Thank you for sharing.

Henry Smith

Talley – Your photos just keep getting better and better! It must be wonderful working with so many people who share your passion for photography and the bush, and continually learning/sharing ideas together. We can’t wait to get back to Londolozi for a little refresher. I especially like your photo of the saddle bill stork – just beautiful! Happy New Year to you and all your Londolozi colleagues from all the Smiths and Wests, and, of course, we all join you in mourning our good friend, Shaun: he was a delightful man whose passion for Africa and the bush was absolutely infectious. He will be a huge miss!

Debra Wortman


Judy Guffey

I love the elephant eye! Looking forward to Christmas 2012 at Londoloxi. Please say hi to
Freddy. He made my last visit a spectacular time and got great videos for me while I struggled to remember Mike’s tips for the still camera. I really am counting days now.

Talley, Thank you so much for one last photo of our Shayne. I will add it to the wall where I already have his oil portrait based on his head shot taken when we first saw him 4 months old. As someone noted, this probably happens more often than we know, but this was a life we were able to follow from beginning to it’s sad ending all too soon.

As always your photos are spectacular and a highlight of my daily routine.

All the best in a Happy New Year!


Thank you, for sharing these lovely photo’s with us! Hope you have a blessed New year!


Breathtaking…as always. Thanks so much for bringing your world to us.

Verney Moyo

The South Pride males are looking very big!!!!Starting to look more like men than boys!!!happy to see that they are getting closer to setting themselves up as a dominant presence in the Sabi Sands…!!!Thanks for the great images…Londolozi is a magical place…

I agree, these male lions are an impressive bunch who could potentially play an interesting role in the male lion dynamics throughout the Sabi Sands. It will be interesting to see if they are able to stick together and find extended territory that gives them the safety they need until they are big enough to be dominant.

Penny Parker

Wow, to turn a bend and see that gorgeous female leopard drinking in a temporary pan in the road. unbelievable. one of the ever lasting joys of the bush. and some stunning birds this week too, especially the Pale Morph of the Whalberg’s Eagle.

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