Involved Leopards

Nottens 5:5 Female

Nottens 5:5 Female

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Tugwaan 2:3 Female

Tugwaan 2:3 Female

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Adam Bannister


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on Is the Nottens Female too old to mate?

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Hi, Adam. …I thought that in Sabi Sand is the oldest female leopard Safari …. 🙂

Hi Iren; how old do you think Safari is? You may indeed be correct! Let me know 🙂 either way Nottens is defiantly one of the oldest!


Yeah, I think Safari is the oldest female around. This is from Arathusa;
Safari (named after Safari Lodge)

Very old nomadic female of the central region, she is the second oldest living leopard in the reserve
Born in March 1993
Mother to Karula, grandmother to Thandi and Shadow, and she is now also a great grandmother
Spot pattern 3/2 and blind in her right eye

wow. it says second. oops.

Penny Parker

Fascinating stuff. The tale of the African bush is NEVER over. One of the greatest things about the bush. Do keep us posted on her attempts to seduce 😉

Penny Parker

Absolutely sensational footage! That sound is just amazing.

Jamie adams

Ths male is probably saying to her “youre old enough to be my mum” she has not to like to the comment so they have had an argument lol. Some great footage and nice pictures of the happy couple from years back.

16 yrs is pretty special so cherish the moments. I thought 11 was old for a leopard in the wild. Keep up the great work guys.


Really well done – fantastic that you have images from multiple years. The video is amazing and sad too… Hope that she does get to have another litter.


When we were at Djuma in August, 2003 (same trip as to Harry’s Camp), we saw Safari who they said was about 8 or more years old. So she would also now be 16+ years old.

Brad Lerner

How old is Shorty? Is he too old? She still looks like she’s got it to me! Amazing video.

Hi Brad, Shorty is between 11 and 12 years of age. Definitely not too old to mate, perhaps just disinterested in the Nottens female for the time being.

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