on The Week In Pictures # 3

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Hi Talley,
Another great week at Londolozi. Your pictures are amazing, you have a great eye, can I ask what camera and lens’s do you have/use?

Hi Sue! Thanks so much! I use a Nikon D90 with 80-400mm Nikon lens, mainly… then also a Nikon D40x with 18-200mm lens. Hope to see you here again soon, and thanks for not outing me to David 🙂


Wow, I’ve never seen so many hippos together in one place before !!


Talley your photographs are a feast for the eyes, you have a great talent. Thank you for sharing them with all of us. Through these captured moments we are all transported back to Londolozi and feel as though we were right there with you – and its wonderful.

amanda flynn

hi talley-
my son luke flynn and parents tom and judi embrescia are there this week with the wpo group. will you please keep your eyes out for them and let them know that we are thinking of them and hoping they are having a great time!



Hi Amanda, Strangely enough your son and parents were the first people I met from the group; I picked them up from the airstrip! Your parents are lovely and Flynn is such a star. They are having a fantastic time, seen lots of big cats and I know Flynn is meeting many new friends! They loved hearing that you are thinking of them. Hopefully next time you can come too!

Willy Smith

One runs out of words…Talley this has become regular reading for me and I truly look forward to and enjoy it! I think those two elephants are from Easton!!!


I am not sure, but the young male in your pictures may be Mixo, nearly 3 years old and one of the twin sons born to Karuala in Djuma. They were extensively followed by WildEarth Safari TV. His brother, Induna is still hanging around in his birth area around Vuyatela and the mother has 2 new cubs, a male and a female.

Thanks so much Talana. The male is 5:3 and also been seen on Mala Mala. Fantastic news that his mother has new cubs!


you pics are awesome Tally … keep ’em coming! XOXO

James, Daxton & Dane

Hi Talley!
The pics are fantastic! Dane (2 yrs old), Daxton (6 yrs old) and I have the best time viewing the pics together. We can’t wait until they are old enough to come out and visit you, Freddy and the wonderful animals! Thanks again for all you do!


Wooooow…hold on a sec!! Makulu Mapogo was spotted on Londolozi??!!! I thought they were sticking to the west of Sabi Sands away from Majingilane territory. That would be an amazing development if they are back to their old grounds. There were reports that they have been supporting fresh scars from fights with what could be a new coalition back west and are extremely nervous and skittish. Could they’ve been ousted from there also!! Interesting to find out.

amanda flynn

my mom judi said that you told her we were in contact! thank you!!!! your pics are fabulous!

Thanks so much guys for all the great feedback. We are very lucky here; every day a new story unfolds. More next week…

Shaun Roe

Hey Talley – these BLOG PIC’S are absolutely out of this world! You are clearly settling in to life at Londo’s – lucky Londolozi!!!

Diane Hunter

Oh Talley,
I love sharing your stunning photos with my family as they were unable to join me on my adventure last month. It helps them get a feeling for what I experiences in person. Next time I hope to see the wild dogs. 🙂

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