Kate Groch, CEO of the Good Work Foundation, delivered the stationery to the two schools recently and was met with wonderful excitement from the young children. Each learner was able to receive pencils, books, rulers and files to enable them to learn more effectively.
As Kate said: “It is fantastic to see a school year begin with abundance. With this support each student has enough stationery to get started and to be able to learn a little bit easier.”The children at both schools wrote a combined letter of thanks below:
Thank You for our Stationery
Today is different from usual beginnings of years.
We all have pens, pencils and books to work in.
A big truck brought all the boxes to our school Last year in November.
Our teachers told us it was full of things for us to use at school.
We were very excited and could not wait to see what was inside the boxes
When we got back to school.
We could start working the day we got back.
We all had pencils and the older classes had pens We also had rulers and
staplers and notebooks.
What a great start to 2010. Thank you so much
All the learners at Sam Nzime and Babati Primary schools in Mpumalanga
Written by: The Learners of Sam Nzime and Rich Laburn
Photographed by: Kate Groch
on Thank You From the Kids