This country has been in a season of depression. A winter season wherein faith has been lost in the government, faith has been lost in our nations’ direction and faith has been lost in our core purpose. This winter season has stifled growth, washed out the color and blown dry dust into the eyes of many people. Winter however, is only a season, time is only in the present and I firmly believe that South Africa has now left this season behind. We have gone from cold, winter months into the warm summer season. We have a new government, a soccer world cup on its way, roads are being fixed, action is taking place and a renewed sense of purpose, ambition and unity has been found.
Whilst living in the bush, you experience summer as a season of magic and abundance. New life flourishes, rain washes away lingering indignation and the color of nature soothes emotions and inspires souls. Nature thrives in this time and the bush, here at Londolozi Private Game Reserve, has turned exactly as promised. It has delivered halcyon skies, harlequin buds and hundreds of newborn animals.The life that is present forms part of a greater eco system. It is undeniably intertwined, interconnected and bound to its sense of purpose and identity within its surroundings.
If we as South Africans are to continue to make a success of this upward momentum, we need to function together much like this eco system. Each individual, big and small, plays a vital role in influencing the journey forward and the overall outcome of this new found summer season. For some it might seem glamorous, others dangerous and for many fairly mundane. This season of magic and abundance can potentially be as long as we would like it to be, so long as we are clear and focused on our purpose and direction.
Nature has a point, a purpose and an overall ambition. It does not seek to be complacent, discontent or ambivalent about itself. It seeks to develop, evolve, grow and prosper. It does this every season, every year and although some terms are harder than others, the challenges of yesterday have made it stronger and more agile for the possibilities of today.
Without optimism there can be no hope, and without hope there can be no future. I challenge you to be as inspired and involved in the summer season that this country has just stepped into as you are by the summer of the next few months.
Written & Filmed by: Rich Laburn
Picture: Heidi Lee Stockenstrom
Magic and Abundance – full of the divine magic of nature… lovely…A little of Van Gogh’s brave eye in the colour and joy…