Kim Drake

Wine Curator

“When a winemaker gets the wine right, it is pure joy, like sipping a wonderfully painted artwork from the Louvre.”
These are the words of Kim Drake, Londolozi’s Procurement Manager turned part-time Sommelier.
Kim’s love of wine first started developing in 2010, shortly after arriving at Londolozi, and although it was a couple of years before the love would grow to full fruit, Kim’s enthusiasm knew no bounds, and she attended many courses and constantly looked to further her own knowledge, eventually earning a Level 3 qualification from the Wine and Spirits Education Trust.
Kim is heavily involved in the constant updating and development of the Londolozi Wine List, and has spent many evenings under the stars with various guests from around the world, running wine tastings and promoting her own passion for South African wines.
Kim provides regular blog posts on new wines on offer at Londolozi and new wine-and-food trends in South Africa as a whole.


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