on Richard Burman Goes Walkabaout

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Jill Grady

Beautifully written Richard. Thank you for allowing us a personal glimpse into the challenges of becoming a Londolozi ranger. It sounds like it was also a great journey of self-discovery and explains why all the rangers there are such special, dedicated people, who clearly have a great love and passion for the land and animals.

Richard Burman

Thankyou very much Jill it was an amazing journey of self discovery where I learnt new things about my self which I never thought possible. It was an amazing time!

Jane B McCarthy

Well done, Richard! We learned so much from you on our game drives (too few!) with you and Bennet and it was quite apparent that you enjoyed imparting the knowledge. My greatest wish is to return to Londolozi! jane, buffalo, ny

Richard Burman

Hi Jane I remember our Safari together like it was yesterday. I hope to see you back at Londolozi in the not to distant future. Bennet Sends his regards.


Lovely post Richard. An incredible experience!

madeleine poulin

Inspiring … Lucky you, with such an extraordinary “task”

Thanks for sharing, Richard


Awesome Account Rich and well written!!

Richard Burman

Thanks Gavin, Hopefully see you back at Londolozi soon.


Fantastic insight – RESPECT!


Thank you so very much for sharing your journey.


Beautifully written Richard. I am so respectful of all who have done the walks. Thank you for sharing.

Rich Muller

Lekker one Burms … you go boy!!!

I envy your experience, Richard. Between your diary and the video, I felt I had a chance to share a bit. Thanks!

Richard Burman

It was such a pleasure to share my experience with you and I hope to share many more of my adventures in the future.

Senior Digital Ranger

Congratulations Richard, you are very brave young men who do it on a daily basis, hats off to you all, especially your epic journey! Thank you for the beautiful write-up, pictures & video. You have a wonderful office that you share with us blog followers.

Danelle Ehlers

Rich – this is amazing, so proud of you!

Richard Burman

Hi D it was such an amazing experience and I was just so fortunate to have been given the opportunity.

Lynn Rattray

This is so well written. Thanks for sharing your amazing experience.

Diane Wales Baillie

Superbly written Richard, absolutely super thank you for sharing your journey!!!


Richard Burman. Ranger. Visionary. Hero.

Good work bud!


Richard Burman

Thankyou for all your help in making this blog post possible! It brings back such good memories every time I watch the video.

Watch this space for more exciting adventures!

Richard Burman

Thankyou for all you help in making this blog possible. it brings back such good memories everytime I watch the video.

Watch this space for more exciting adventures!

Rich, loved the write up and the video! Well done…
Looking forward to seeing lots more of your work on the blog!

Spencer Andrews

Rich – what an amazing adventure old boy!! Great pics

Interesting post Rich and wonderful to hear about how the experience of the walks was for you. Thanks for filming parts of it as it is always nice to see different parts of Londolozi from new perspectives. rich

Richard Burman

Thanks Rich iv already starting planning my next movie and a few interesting ideas have been thrown into the pot by JT!

Lara Hattingh

Incredible write up and enticing stories!! Cannot wait to come and view the beautiful wildlife at Londolozi !! Well Done Rich and what an experience!!


This is a fascinating tribute to Londolozi and its trackers. You’ve captured the essence of bush walks on a whole other level; I do love them! Thanks so much for sharing!

Greg Whitaker

Burms.. You should start your own Show! That Video was brillaint….
Classic Burman

Richard Burman

Stompie im glad I made you chuckle!
It was such a hectic time.

Burms!! Well done! This is an awesome video and blog piece! Puts us right back there into long walks!

Guest contributor

Bushman! Well done, amazing glimpse into what you guys would have experienced out there! Really well done 🙂


Carissimo ragazzo, mentre ti guardavo muoverti attraverso il bush, era come vivere direttamente con te questa bellissima esperienza, piena di emozioni,paure e sensazioni incredibili! Grazie per i momenti che mi hai regalato :e’ stato quasi ritornare a Londolozi, un posto fantastico che non dimentichero’ mai, e presso il quale vorrei tornare per respirare l’aria della mia Africa, e sentire i meravigliosi suoni di mquella natura davvero selvaggia che ti ruba il cuore!
Auguri a te, e che il tuo cammino sia sempre cosi’ eccitante!
Londolozi, mi sei sempre dentro.


Carissimo ragazzo, mi hai portato, con il tuo percorso quotidiano, dentro il cuore di Londolozi, che ha un posto specialissimo nel mio cuore. Sei molto fortunato a poter godere di una natura cosi’ sublime ed emozionante!
Segui la tua strada, e ricorda che anch’io ti seguiro’, poiche’ tutti quelli che amano gli animali e l’Africa e la fanno amare ai propri ospiti, sono persone veramente speciali!
Auguri per il tuo splendido futuro dalla tua amica italiana.

Ulrich Stark

Such a natural burms – awesome how you capture the experience. Sure it was a bit tougher than you describe as well. Amazing well done!

Alex Greenleaf

Absolutely awesome Rich! So jealous!!
We need to go for a drink when you next in Joburg, so you can share the many more stores which I’m sure you certainly have.
Keep well.

Sergey Gorshkov

Thank you, Richard 2, I look forward to our meeting.
Hello to Richard 1.
Sergey & Larisa

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