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James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on Lions: Anticlimax

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Senior Digital Ranger

Wow! Those 2 Styx males are powerful looking. Were they litter mates? I wonder if the one with the full mane is older.

James Tyrrell

Hi Leslie,

As far as we know, yes they are litter mates. The male with the smaller mane also bears many scars, apparently from an attack from another lion. When male lions are stressed or in poor condition, their mane often follows suit, and we believe it was during the recovery period from this attack that his mane may have lost condition, resulting in him not being quite as impressive as his brother.


Thanks for the update James, please keep us informed, I believe the Majingilane are slow movers however will react to these two new males in their territory.

Interesting. The unknown males must have come from Kruger?

James Tyrrell

Hi Marinda,

I’m not too sure. With the Majingilane not roaring or scent marking in the area, it could develop into a bit of a free-for-all as male lions move in from all sides.
When are you and Des coming back for a visit to see some of the action for yourself?


Jill Grady

Great update James, I love hearing about the Lion dynamics! Would the Majingilane actually fight their own sons (stupid question, I know)? The poor young Styx males, trying to give the Majingilane some room and walk straight into two other male lions…they just can’t get a break. Do you know what happened to the other Styx male James…was he injured in the interaction? I hope they all manage to work it out and survive into old age. Your photographs are beautiful as always.

James Tyrrell

Hi Jill,
As the Majingilane are still significantly bigger than their sons, I think any confrontation would result in the Styx males retreating. But yes if they stood up to the Majingilane I’m sure there would be a fight, sons or not. Not sure what happened after the event; the males have moved off our property. The Sparta pride was found on a wildebeest kill in the deep south today with all members of the pride, although on the day the Majingilane visited only the four sub-adults were found, making it likely that the pride had an encounter with at least one of the two coalitions at hand. Judging by the tracks, we think it was probably the Majingilane.



Jill Grady

Thanks for the response James. It will be interesting to see what happens next.



Hey guys. Any chance of getting a lion warfare update. Basically since everything is at a standstill, can we get a summary of who might be posing a threat in the near future. There were some band of males but what happened to their chances now. Are the Majingilane still covering most of the territory they won years ago, or are they starting to become vulnerable. Would be interesting to read about any threat perception on the current dynamics. Where it might come from, which group, their numbers. Anyways, a great read and captivating methods used in all your blogs.

The Majingilane coalition maybe old, but they are still magnificent lions. ¡¡Long live the kings!!

James, great stuff. Also thanks for working a sparta update into the comment section. Glad those subs are doing well. And word on whether the other Styx male was found? Great work as always!

James Tyrrell

Hi Kevin,

They were both found later on, seemingly healthy. They were seen on Londolozi’s eastern boundary this morning again…


Patricia Johnson

Loved our safari with you and our daughter Emily and son-in-law jon. Great honeymoon for them in one of their favorite places. Enjoying your blog immensely. Many thanks. Patty

see you last week of April

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