About the Author

James Tyrrell


James had hardly touched a camera when he came to Londolozi, but his writing skills that complemented his Honours degree in Zoology meant that he was quickly snapped up by the Londolozi blog team. An environment rich in photographers helped him develop the ...

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on Mhangeni Pride: The Story

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Fabulous blog. I finally understand the origin of the Majingilane pride, and how they got their name. Now when I look at the magnificent photos we took of the males on our two previous visits to Londolozi, I will appreciate them even more. And look forward to seeing them again…soon!

Please , please sell your 1926 hand soap and hand lotion on line. I bought some in june when we were there and now I’m out. And I love it, as do all my daughters.

Lucy Salenger

Hi Lucy,

So wonderful to hear that you loved the range so much! I would recommend getting in touch with our living store at living@londolozi.co.za and they will be able to help you with getting some more as soon as possible.

Kindest regards,


The Majingilane coalition Holding power as a unit of 4 for more than 5 years now is a phenomenal feat in itself. Lets hope these 9 sub-adults grow to full maturity fast before the Majigis are dethroned.

James, thank you for this explanation. I live through these blogs daily and miss all of you.


Bala Krishnamurthy

When I look at these fascinating photos – I wonder – have you encountered any incidents getting groups of people in open vehicles so close to a pride?

Virtuel Bliss

And the four Mhangeni lionesses killed their grand mother, the old and original tailess lioness. The grandmother was visiting when their 4 granddaughters were feeding with their 9 cubs. I hope the Majingilanes would stick around for another year before the 5 young Birmingham dethrone them.

This is such a lovely story and special to us as we were at Londolozi on a drive with Adam when the old tailless brought the four Mhageni lionesses back.

So the Mhangeni were once part of the Tsalala Pride? That’s really interesting! And from them the Ntsevu Pride were also born

Who were or was the dominant males of the Mhangeni after the Majinglanes?

Hmmm Nora I think the Matimbas but let me check.

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