on The Week in Pictures #157

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Beautiful images this week.


What is the story of this short tail male?

What is his name in the other reserves?

LOVE the babies, thank you Lucien!

Once again Goose, you have shared your artistic eye with us mortals. Your pictures are absolutely amazingly wonderful. I guess I like them. Thanks.

Trevor & Colleen

Lucian you have excelled in portraying what is Londos at this time of year. I imagine a person who has not been fortunate enough to experience this wonderful time at Londos but be able to gather an idea through your lens and words ….. What an enticement to visit. Great job.

Senior Digital Ranger

Indeed Trevor, I live for the blogs from Londolozi, they make my day, especially this one. Lucien, you have excelled yourself, the pictures tell 1000’s of words & are outstanding. I look forward to more, thank you

Amazing photos Lucien. David & I are so looking forward to returning to Londolozi in 2 months…. certainly one of our favourite places.

Jill Grady

Well written blog and really beautiful images Lucien, thank you so much for sharing! You just transported us all to Londolozi with your wonderful description and photographs of all the fantastic events unfolding there now. Thanks for a great week in pictures!

Brian C

Love the ‘week in pictures.’ Great photos, Lucien. I enjoyed the giraffes. Who is this short tailed male leopard? It does not look like the Tugwaan male (aka Bicycle Crossing male), who was sometimes called Short Tail male. I’m not always so good at identifying leopards, though, but its fun to try. Could this be the male also known as Treehouse male on Mala Mala? Whoever he is, I am glad he is mating with the lovely Ximpalapala Young female!

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