Involved Leopards

Nottens 5:5 Female

Nottens 5:5 Female

Spotted this leopard?
You've seen this leopard
3:4 Female

3:4 Female

Spotted this leopard?
You've seen this leopard
Dudley Riverbank 3:3 Female

Dudley Riverbank 3:3 Female

Spotted this leopard?
You've seen this leopard
Mashaba 3:3 Female

Mashaba 3:3 Female

Spotted this leopard?
You've seen this leopard
Camp Pan 4:3 Male

Camp Pan 4:3 Male

Spotted this leopard?
You've seen this leopard
Tamboti 4:3 Female

Tamboti 4:3 Female

Spotted this leopard?
You've seen this leopard
Vomba 3:2 Female

Vomba 3:2 Female

Spotted this leopard?
You've seen this leopard
Tu-Tones 3:2 Male

Tu-Tones 3:2 Male

Spotted this leopard?
You've seen this leopard

About the Author

Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on How to Identify Individual Leopards

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Rudolf Kals

Lovely Blog, Thank you!! 🙂

About your question.. I`ll try my luck.
Shorty (5:4) / Maxabeni 3:3 young male / Nyeleti 2:3 young male / Dudley Riverbank 3:3 Female

Well done Rudolf, a 100% strike rate. I think we can safely say that you have passed leopard ID 101 with distinction!

Rudolf Kals

Thank you very much, James!
Leopards are my life. I adore this animals…so I am always eager for learning something about them (since 8 years already..hehe) 🙂

Thank you again for this beautiful Blog and the photos!


Just guessing.
1. Camp Pan Male 4:3
2. Dudley Riverbank Male 3:3
3. Nyeleti Male 2:3
4. Mbilo Female 2:3

If you count carefully Annemarie, you will see that the first leopard is 5:4, therefore the Tugwaan male (aka Short tail male). Your spot pattern count for the second was correct (3:3), but it is actually the Maxabene young male. Look at the triangle spot pattern on his right cheek, I find this very distinctive. Nyeleti male was correct. The last was actually the Dudley riverbank female (3:3). Although Nottens is older, Dudley riverbank looks the oldest of our leopards and is very grey! Good try!


Hi James, Thanks for answering and correcting. Now that I check again, I can see where I was wrong, but to recognize them is very difficult. As I said, I was just guessing and have never seen leopards in the wild, although I visited the Masai Mara in Kenya twice.


second pic is bicycle crossing/ short tale male?
the first dudley?


first 4:5
second 5:4

Right James, my next drive is with you! Once again a fabulous read and incredible pictures.

Sandy Johnson

I have no idea about the identities but I definitely chose to stay at Londolozi because of the leopards. Great article James.

Thanks Sandy. Thats the same reason I chose to work here!


Your favorite male is the 5:4 Short Tail male.
Young male is the 5:5 Dudley Riverband male.
I think blue eyes is the 2:3 Nyeleti Male.
Last is the Dudley River 3:3 female.

but I’m new to this……

Kiki, you got them all right except for the second one. He is the Maxabeni 3:3 young male. Look at the distinctive triangle spot pattern.

Ok, I’ll try!

Short Tail 5:4 male
Maxabeni 3:2 male
Nyeleti 2:3 male
Nottens female

Good effort Mary Beth! You just got the wrong Maxabeni young male, it is his twin brother, the 3:3 young male. Note the brown nose as well as the triangle spot pattern. The 3:2 young male has more of a pink nose. The last one is the Dudley riverbank female (3:3) as opposed to the 5:5 Nottens female. Both are very old leopards, so that was a good guess.

Andrew Smith

I think Rudolf has all the right answers.


The first is Short tale 5:4 i strong belive.
The rest i don’t know :/ but dudley isn’t in the pics

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