About the Author

David Dampier

Financial Manager

David left the bright lights of Johannesburg and a promising career as a chartered accountant to join the Londolozi Ranging team in 2009. After three years spent as a guide, during which he built up a formidable reputation as one of Londolozi's top ...

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on Two Incredible Snake Encounters

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Thats amazing. Well written blog and fantastic shooting.
You would have to agree the snake looks pretty damn happy in that last shot.


what an incredibly exciting experience! i never stop being amazed that the snakes can actually swallow these “huge” morsels. While staying at Doc’s place last week we came across a Black mamba being mobbed by two Drongos while on drive. It was exhilerating to see the frustration of the Mamba trying to lunge for the drongos and not catching them – at least while we were watching!

Tiana Gorham

What a terrific example of nature working perfectly. Thank you for this view of her at work. Wonderful!!!


note at the bottom jaw, in the center the little hole. this is the airway that the snake ‘extends’ so it can breath whilst swallowing that egg. truly amazing. I’ve seen many snakes swallow prey, but never seen an egg swallowed!! AMAZING.

Penny Parker

Is that little hole where the tongue comes out – to send messages to the organ of Jacobson?

Hi Penny, it is the Organ of Jacobson on snakes.


Being terrified of snakes, I held my breath reading the blog!!! Brilliant photos, quite exceptional.
I do hope everyone is voting for Londolozi on the South African 2011 Blog Awards – it is closing soon.

Us too Sheena, would be great to do well in the competition. Rich

Coo Taylor

i cant wait to get to the londies blog. i seriously have to hold myself back until there is some build up. it is almost as good as being there. thanks guys and well done. seriously excellent

Thanks Coo, so great to hear you are getting so much from it. Rich

David, these are amazing sightings and such great pics by all even, though snakes are scary to many!

Pat McKrill

Thank goodness for another ‘good news’ story about snakes.
I was privileged to visit Londolozi about 12 years ago as as guest, specifically to talk to visitors and rangers about snakes. Whilst there, we caught and returned to the bush, a Mozambique spitting cobra that had taken up a spot in the office, and a boomslang which had made its way into our shower. We were privileged also to witness some blue eared starlings mobbing a mamba that had eaten their kids! A sighting of a snake in the wild, is worth a fortune – it’s a very rare game viewing experience – they’re one animal you can’t call up. Keep up the great work.



Jesse Kaltio

Great to see the pictures up so everyone can enjoy them! Thanks again, David, for a truly spectacular sighting.


Great Photos Dave!


Two fantastic sightings, I’d be thrilled to have experienced them!

For me, stereotypically, it’s spiders I have to ask the guide to avoid…

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