Involved Leopards

Emsagwen 4:6 Male

Emsagwen 4:6 Male

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Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on The Emsagwen 6:4 Male Leopard

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Penny Parker

Being that he already dominates the largest territory in the Sabi Sands, lets hope he leaves the Marthly Male to his territory – a battle between these two could end in tragedy – But a gorgeous specimen he is indeed. Lovely pic of him by Rich “shading” 🙂 (haha) by the guarri.


The Emsagwen male had a big fight with Shorty ( bicycle crossing male) in 201 0.

This male is huge, large body not as heavily build as Camp Pan I guess?
What do you guys what this boy wil weigh?


The problem is that tyson looks fighter like perhaps no other, but emsagwen is huge and especially younger, Tyson began to enter the border between the peak age and old age.
The leopards are known not only for their immense power but also for their intelligence, so if Emsagwen is in this area there is a reason that prompted him to enter..


@1977marc That is a vicious fight who won??Everything is such a blur cant even tell which one is Emsagweni, but both Leopards seem really skilled and aggresive. LOL hyenas can be hilarious.


is he still alive? he hasn’t been seen for almost 4 months now.

Hi Francis…i fear the worst for Emsagwen as you are right he has not been seen in a long time now. But time and time again we get surprised by the resilience of these animals so for the time being I would be cautious to right him off as dead.


ow noww!!!

All the reserves I checked did not see him

What could have happened?
This guy was so dominating ,The biggest leopard of the Sabi Sands….

It is anyone’s guess Marc. He has not been seen around Londolozi for quite some time. Very sad considering what an impressive specimen he is. He might have got into a battle with another male for territory. Alternatively he might have been pushed east into the Kruger National Park. We will keep you informed should a sighting of him arise here. Rich

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