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Adam Bannister


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on Sparta Lionesses Fight Majingilanes for Giraffe Kill

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I wish the lionesses would gang up on the males. They are so much more nimble. Great footage by the way.

Thanks Morty, I think a lot of people feel that way. It just seems so unfair at times doesn’t it.?

Penny Parker

It does seem so unfair – poor ladies do all the work and get nothing out of it – but nature has its ways. And a well-oiled system it is!


Interesting indeed. I wonder if the dynamics will chnage yet again? If the Majingilane males rule over the Sparta pride and the Tsalala pride, I wonder who they will help if the prides get into a fight??


the females did the smart thing which was eating as fast and as much they could before the big boys entered the picture. that female was really lucky because the big male could have inflicted a bad injury to her so bad that hunting or simply keeping up with her sister on a hunt might not be possible. lionesses do need their counter part for their own good against new males, their enemies the hyenas . if i could talk to the girls, i would recommend the girls to go for another kill instead. game is over.

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