Canon vs Nikon – Which is Better? As a professional wildlife photographer I have been asked this question too many times to count and the short answer is Both! Each brand offers an incredible array of photographic products which assist the photographer in their quest to capture stunning images, however each brand also has its own strengths and weaknesses. Year on year, the two brands will release new products which leapfrog one another, however they are never too far apart!
If you are reading this post, chances are that you are looking to buy a new camera and want to know which is the better option. I would encourage you to first decide what purpose you want to use the camera for, decide on your price range and then only choose between these two brands. Both Canon and Nikon have a wide range of ‘point and shoot’, entry level DSLR and professional calibre camera bodies and lenses to choose from.
Here is a breakdown of my experiences with Canon and Nikon
What I really like about Canon cameras is that they are simple to use and each different model follows a fairly standard layout of the dials as well as the internal menu functions. If you buy a Canon body and then upgrade to a newer model later on, you will have no issue setting up and using the new model owing to this simple yet effective layout.
In 1987 Canon developed a new system of AF cameras and EOS lenses. Any camera or lens produced since then will be compatible with one another and this offers a great benefit to a fully integrated equipment.
Another reason I enjoy Canon is that they are spearheading the innovation of DSLR’s that shoot outstanding video in both full HD and more recently 4K. Having a body that takes outstanding images and video with the simple flick of a switch is a huge plus for me.
My experience with Nikon’s professional grade cameras, such as the D3, has been excellent and they are a pleasure to use. At times I have felt intimidated by the amount of options and functions available for customising my images, however as I have come to terms with using the camera I have grown to like it more and more.
High end Nikon bodies also shoot great video, however in the last 5 years they have been playing catch up with Canon and have yet to lead the field with DLSR video innovation.
I do not enjoy the entry level DSLR Nikon bodies as I have found the image color to often have a greenish or blueish hue which is not a true reflection of the image captured. The video capabilities on these cameras are also mediocre.
As Nikon has been making lenses since 1959, you will find that most Nikon SLR camera and lenses are pretty much compatible with each other. If you have access to old school Nikon lenses, you should be able to use them with todays modern bodies and create some interesting and unique images for yourself. With this said, please bare in mind that just because the lens is attached to your camera does not necessarily mean that it will be able to autofocus itself!
To understand more about the secrets behind the growth and popularity of Canon and Nikon, take a look at this fascinating infographic below:
Finer Details
I have found that each brand gives you a slightly different colour and tone. Nikon bodies often have a slightly greenish tinge to them which can be compensated by customising the color balance in the menu. Personally I find the color and tone of Canon products to be truer to the image, however Canon products do not offer the same degree of color customisation as Nikon does.
Both Canon and Nikon have approximately 70 lenses in their ranges. Canon’s top end lenses will often come in a grey color with a red ring indicating that is it part of the L-series. All of Nikon’s lenses are black, however all you need to do is look at the price tag of the lens to get an indication as to whether it is an entry level or professional grade lens.
If you are new to photography or enjoy it as a hobby then you cannot go wrong with either of the products which these brands offer. It is worth spending a bit of time playing with different models of each brand to feel which you like best and decide how the layout of buttons, menu selections, etc work for you personally.
For those more serious about their photography and the amount of money they are willing to spend on gear, then look to the top end models of each make to decide what works for you. As the evolution of these cameras progresses, full frame sensors, video capabilities, wireless functionality and software plugins are becoming an increasingly important part of the product offering.
A while ago I tweeted a post which provided an infographic breakdown of which photographic brand is better: Canon or Nikon. Given that many photographers and guides often debate this subject, I thought it would be useful to take a look below and decide for yourself which you think is better.
Everybody has their own personal preference and reasons for their choice of brand. For me, personally, I started photography with Canon cameras and thus have always used the brand. I like the look achieved from the Canon lenses and find the bodies easy to work with. The complexity of Nikon bodies is what makes me hesitant to use them. I would be interested to hear which brand (Canon or Nikon) you prefer and your reasons why. Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.
If you have any questions about which brand to buy, please feel free to ask me in the comments below as well…
A Guide to Wildlife Photography
For many people who come on safari, the anticipation of capturing truly outstanding images is what brings them back again and again. Photography allows for unlimited freedom, flexibility and artistic expression, and what better environment to practice in than the African wilderness.
The Londolozi Family is passionate about photography and we want to ensure that each and every photographer who joins us on safari comes away from their experience with wildlife photographs to be proud of.
To help photographers of all experience levels we put together a brand new eBook to guide you through the joy of wildlife photography:
A Guide to Wildlife Photography is the definitive digital guide for photographers who enjoy the natural world. Filled to the brim with technical advice, practical examples and hi-res video and images, this book is presented by Londolozi based wildlife filmmaker and photographer, Rich Laburn.
I use Nikon because I bought it a few years ago for a ridiculously low price on Included 2 lenses. I’ve added a 70-300 and am debating a macro just for something different. Do I know how touse all the bells and whistles….NO…do I keep trying to learn….YES….can’t get the numbers connected with the words for some reason to stick in my mind….but I do get some good shots anyway.
Good to hear that you are continuing to learn. Photography is a continual journey and there is always something new to capture and explore. A macro can be quiet fun to use, it is worthwhile looking at a couple of examples of macro photography to awaken you to the full potential of it. Thanks for your comment. Rich
We visited the Veolia BBC Wildlife Photographer of the Year Exhibition at London’s Natural History Museum this year, and were surprised to see that Nikon outnumbered Canon by around eight or nine to one in the displayed entries. Another surprise was the absence of any pictures of spotted cats, with the single exception of an artistically blurred cheetah. Leopard has been very well represented in previous years.
I found the comment of Andrew Smith interesting, maybe it is that Nikon has a reputation for being more rugged that there were more photos taken by Nikon users. Also NASA uses only Nikon Cameras in their space programme, apparently the Canon auto focus function does not work in zero gravity and Nikon has no problem with theirs. Nikons low light capabilities are far superior to Canons as well. There will always be more Canons sold as they release new cameras every three months so it stands to reason that more Canons are sold.
I like your thinking Eileen, Andrew’s comment struck me as well, however what is fascinating is that of the Auto Focus not working in Anti-Gravity.
It is true that the commercial marketing and promotion of new products also does play a huge role in the brand awareness, exposure and perception of Camera and technology brands. Thanks for your comments.
Dont you think that the person behind the lens influences the final image more than what make of camera it is? Unless you are a professional you can always tweek the image in photoshop, which in my opinion is no longer photography as an art form. At my level of photography it is impossible for me to tell if the image was taken by a Nikon or a Canon. But have you seen the new Leica? It will make your mouth drool and the only way to afford it would be to take a second bond on your house!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really don’t give a darn what the comparison is all about, I been using both brand for more than half decade, and I’m happy with both of them, got a Nikon D90 and a Canon 7D :p
i honestly beleive Canon’s are way better I own a Canon XTI and a Canon 60D and no lie Nikon’s SUCK!
I’m pretty much a beginner and I am good with cameras, but I’ll be using it for nothing major, but leisure, and I was wondering what I should get. A Nikon or a Canon. I currently have a Nikon Coolpix l20 but I was looking into a coolpix l120 but i was curious which was better for me.
Hi Nicolette, it very much depends what you are using your camera for. Both Canon and Nikon are great photographic brands and produce world class cameras. If you are buying a HDSLR I would suggest the 5D (simply because I have one and it can film incredible video as well.)
I hope that helps, although please let me know what you are using your camera for and I will try to help you further.
For me cannon is much suitetable for me. From begining of my hobby in photography .. canon was first camera i had bought.
With all due respect to the different opinions said, I have mine. Nikon is cheap. Canon is more expensive. Mostly all, is in the photographer. It takes years of practice, but especially, of good research. They say, “it’s not the arrow, it’s the indian.” I disagree. I like cameras that shoot fast, and lens that focus even faster. Is also a thing of how much you invest in your glasses(lenses and filters). And of course, it also depends in what’s your specialty. What I dislike of nowadays is how many teens grab a Nikon camera and immediately say “I’m a photographer”. And also can happen, with a normal Canon camera . My best investment has been a Canon 7D. With a 70-200mm f/2.8 L IS (very good for exterior wildlife and head shots), a 50mm f/1.8 (with is really good on interiors) and a sigma 18-200mm f/3.5-6.3(which is good for group pictures and many macro shots), and lets not forget the UV filters (I’m still saving for the polarizer filters). I don’t judge anymore in the brand of camera you use. I will always be Canon. Photography is everything about the quality a photographer can give.
I fully agree with you, Ramír.
Interesting post and it seemed to reignite the questions which one is better:-) The truth is both are great for different types of photography. I am a Nikon user myself and my assistant uses Cannon. Great infographic on the subject and quite entertaining. David
I went shopping today for my first semi-professional camera. I have used a point and shoot but I can’t repress the urge to want to get more and more involved with photography; so at 44, I’m going for it. I looked at Cannons and Nikons, even Sony’s. I am wanting to take family photos – mostly outdoors. Eventually, I would like to take sports photos as well. The person at the camera store suggested Cannon EOS 60D, of Nikon D90. What are your thoughts? Thanks!
Hi Ronda, the 60D is a very good Canon DSLR, I have used it before and I think that for the purposes you mentioned it will do a great job. The Nikon D90 also works well, however I personally find that some Nikon cameras tend to give a slightly greenish tinge to the images, whereas Canon offers a far more neutral color balance. Ultimately, though both cameras will do a great job and the quality of the image will come down to the lens you use mixed with your skill.
If you are doing sports photography, both Canon and Nikon offer superb f.28 lens which will be great for high action shots. I hope that helps. rich
Which is better for a beginner the nikon 5100 nikon d7000 or a canon 60 d.
I will be using the camera for indoor sports .
both Nikons are good cameras, however the 60D is also fantastic and the video capabilities are excellent. Which lens are you planning using?
nikon 18 55 mm lense & 55 200 mm
canon 55 250 mm & 18 55mm
i am now looking at the canon eos 7d , is this an upgrade over the nikon d5100 and canon 60d .
Yes, Canon 7D is a great camera which also has very good video capabilities. Bear in mind that Canon has just released the new 5D Mach III which should be excellent for both photographs and videos.
Hi, I’m going to buy a camera next week. I’m hesitated what to buy. Last time I bought a small Sony cam and it really sucks. What do you suggest me as I’m planning to take photos of people and family for most of the time. I also like to take photos of people in nice scenes at day and night. I want the latest and best professional cam. The price and size does matter a bit. So Nikon or Canon. your help means so much to me. Thank you
Hi Yasser, both Canon and Nikon are great cameras. The latest Canon is either a 1D or the new 5D. They are both fairly pricey, so if you are on a budget and do not want to get a DSLR, I would advise going for a Leica. You can read more about which cameras and lenses I recommend here:
I am currently looking for a good camera from either Nikon or Canon. I take lots of outdoor pictures of mainly the beach and the sky. Do you have any suggestions for a camera for a beginner?
Hi Mckenna, if you read this post you might find some interesting options. Let me know if you have any further questions –
ok i have the canon 7d now . i also bought a 18 135 lense .
i take a lot of indoor sports pics , what would be the best option lense taking cost into consideration .
i am looking at the EF-S 55-250mm f/4-5.6 IS or should i save and go for the EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM or sinilar .
cheers and thankyou for your help.
Go and save for the EF 70 – 200mm f/2.8 IS II USM. You won’t regret getting a 2.8 lens and this particular one is excellent. Just make sure that you get the lens with image stabilization on it. rich
Hi Rich,
What is the best option lens price wise below the canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM .
Will only be used for indoor basketball and matched with the 7D .
thanks in advance.
Both B&H and 42nd Stree Photo have good prices on this particular lens. I am not sure what the exact price is, however if you go onto their sites you fill be able to find it out. rich
Hey Rich ,
I have checked out the canon EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II USM , and its way too big for weekend sports shots for me .
What Canon lens is the one below the 70 200 for indoor sports , but a step up over the 28 200 f/4.
Check out the 24 – 80mm Canon lens. Try get the semi pro lenses as they are just that much better in quality.
Hi rich, here I’m again. And thanks for your previous reply it did help but I still want to make sure what to buy coz I’m buying the cam this weekend.
My budget is up to 1000$. And I want a god dslr camera that I can’t regret buying it.
I want to use it for family pictures and for my personal pictures with nice scenes around the world. So is 5d is the one for me. And what lens should I buy for it. I want a one with good zoom.
And do you also recommend a good compact camera for my brother with the same uses above.
Thank you so much. I really appreciate your help.:)
I also like to have a very good video resolution in my camera. Does 5d has that. And what do you think about 600d and which lens is better for me. I’m in china now and next week will be in Canada if there is different prices or anything please tell me.
Thanks again
5D has incredible resolution, it is much better than the 600D. As for the lens, I can highly recommend the 70 – 200 f2,8 lens. Fantastic quality matched with the 5d for both photography and videography. The price will be quite steep, but definitely worth it.
The 5D Mach III has been announced, I am not sure if it is on the market yet, but also look into buying that camera as I am sure it will be superb.
Rich. And I would like to ask you about Nikon 1j1 and good are those cams comparing to 1d and 5d.. And are they gona last for long time???
I’m sorry for posting all this. It’s coz I’m confused and can’t deside by myself. Anyway here is what I want in my cam
@no more than $1000 and new one
@The best hd video
@at least 12 megapixel
@Good shoots with low and bright light.
@Good for family photos with clear faces and people with landmarks and beautiful scenes.
@I want to get only one lens with very good zoom and stabilization, and that one that is for many conditions. If very necessary I’ll take another lens If you recommend.
@I don’t care about the cam screen coz I’ll always see the photos at my Mac.
@i kind of like many function in the cam.
I have seen till now canon 5d . Nikon d3100, Nikon 1 but I don’t know if it’s good enough.
I’m buying dslr and a compact cam. Or should I go for Nikon 1 or any similar cam
Hi Yasser, thanks for all your questions and detailed list. The $1000 price limit you have imposed is automatically going to prevent you from getting a top of the range camera such as the 5D, 1D or 1j1. The Canon 5D is phenomenal camera with some of the best video HD video capability around. I can highly recommend it if you are willing to pay the premium for it. As for Nikon, they are also exceptional cameras and both will last a long time if looked after properly.
I am not going to make the decision for you, however I think it would be best to go to a camera shop and price the different cameras whilst talking to an expert about the different features of each one. If you get a Canon or Nikon dslr, you cant really go wrong. Just make sure you get a decent lens to go with it.
Hope that helps,
What’s the best Canon or Nikon camera available for wildlife photography that :
1. suits taking stills of birds and animals in motion?
2. has Full HD (1920 x 1080) recording capabilities at 30p (how many minutes can it record?)
3. can take stills during video recording
4. is weather sealed (from dust and rain)
I hear Canon 7d is a good option and I am okay with its price. Does it have all the 4 features I listed? Also, whats the Nikon equivalent of the 7d?
Hi Beni,
Hi Beni,
All most DSLR Canon and Nikon cameras work great for taking stills of birds and animals in motion. The real difference comes in the type of lens you use. A f2,8 lens will allow you a faster shutter speed and give you a more blurry background, enhancing the image. Whatever camera you do purchase, it is worth purchasing an f2,8 lens specifically for stills of bird and animals in motion. Birds often require a much bigger lens, such as a 500mm, in which case you will have to do a bit of research as to what suits your budget.
THe 7D is a great camera and can film at Full HD, however the Canon 5D offers better video quality. The amount of minutes you can record depends entirely on your memory card size. The larger your memory card, the more filming you can get done.
The 5D and the 7D both allow you to take stills whilst video recording.
All DSLR cameras are sealed to a certain extent, however when changing lense you open the camera up to exposure from the elements. If you are careful it shouldn’t be a problem, however I have got dust on my sensor before and it can be a pain. Most DSLR cameras are hardy and will handle minor rain, however if your gear is caught in a downpour, it will get wet and water could get in between the different controls.
I am not sure what the Nikon equivalent of the 7D is, however I think that the D3s would be fairly close and shoot pretty good video quality. I suggest chatting to a salesperson at the camera store you go to.
I hope that answers your questions.
i’m hoping to get a camera for my 21st birthday i’ve been hinting for it but i’m stuck on which brand to go with. i’m a fashion design student so i good quality camera will help with my designs and for inspiration and so on. can any one give me any pointers?
Hi Dani, if you are not sure which brand to go with its going to be tough to decide whether to go with Canon or Nikon as both are amazing brands. Likewise, the smaller Leica cameras are also excellent. I guess it all comes down to the price you are willing to spend and how much functionality & quality you want your camera to give you. A DSLR will allow for easier shooting, whilst a compact camera is easier to carry around wherever you go. What are your requirements and price limits?
hello, im searching for a camera that could capture high quality picture and video. works well in night, day or even in rain. i read all the comments and your reply, it seems that mostly you’re suggesting to take canon 5D. im not sure about which brand i should go for, i have always dream to have nikon camera but rather confused which to choose. my friends are mostly suggesting to take canon.
can you help me?
if it’s nikon as i dream of, which would you suggest me to take?
If it’s canon, i think ill go for 5D.
Hi Kimi,
I am hesitant to advise you on what Nikon to buy as I have not had the opportunity to properly test their video capabilities. I understand if your dream is to have a Nikon, however I can only but recommend the 5D as a fantastic video and photo HDSLR. Take a look to see if the new 5D Mach III is out yet as this is the latest version and no doubt will be superb.
If you are set on Nikon, the D3 takes amazing video, however as mentioned I have not had the chance to use it.
I’m currently a moderate beginner to photography. I’ve done photos for people and am fairly familiar with the bells and whistles of a camera but I’m looking for something more adavanced for better quality pictures but that doesn’t require a whole lot of adjusting or manual setting while I’m shooting. I mostly do it as a hobby so I take pictures of couples and individuals (mostly outside) as well as weddings and events which are mostly inside. I’m currently stuck between whether I should get the Nikon D5100 or the Canon EOS Rebel T3i or T2i. Does anyone have any suggestions towards which one would be best?
I was in your shoes at one point. After extensive analysis I suggest you check out, , I came to a conclusion that both the 5100 and the T3i are excellent cameras for an entry-level DSLR. I feel that the D5100 has richer colors but the T3i has slightly sharper image. In my opinion you should also check them out at a local shop so you can get a good feel. I went for the Canon T3i and its done a good job.
Thanks for your input Jerry, very interesting to hear your point of view. rich
I am using a nikon coolpix l120 now which is a point and shoot camera.And i am very much fascinated about the freedom in taking photos using DSLR’s.I am interested in landscape and macro budget is below 900$.can you suggest me a dslr and lenses satisfying my needs.?
I want to buy a DSLR camera. But I am confused about different models of both brand. Will anybody suggest me, which one is better among Canon 550D, Nikon D5100 & Nikon D3200 ?
Hi Shatadru, all three cameras are very good.I would suggest going for the D5100. rich
Hi Rich.
I want to buy a camera and I’m not sure which one to choose from the two options I have. I’m between the Nikon D3200 + 18-55MM G VR 1:3,5-5,6 and the Canon 600D + 18-55MM IS II F/3,5-5,6
I want a good camera which takes fast photos. I will also use it for family scenes, trips and outdoors and indoors scnes.
Thank for you.
Lol.. I’m confused to buy among the below:
Canon 600D and Nikon D5100..
Please suggest
I’ve tested the both and found that Canon 600D was taking some time to get focused on the subject (with its kit lens), and makins some noise (normal focus noise, but unlike Nikon)
Im not sure this is a problem with that cam or its the same for all the canon 600d s??
Please suggest which one to go for..
I’ve been reading the post and have been wanting to leave a comment onto here:
I’m a 15 year old girl who has, ever since I was younger, wanted to be a photographer. Not to say “Hey I’m a photographer” as Ramir Delagado put that most teens say, but because it’s my up most passion and there’s nothing else I would rather be. I currently use a Nikon D3000 and I have to say that camera is the love of my life. I’m not the greatest at what I do but I’m currently learning so I can become better at what I love doing most. Yes, this might sound strange, hearing from a teenage girl, but I photograph dolls (for right now) and personally, when you want to take portraits (humans, dolls, etc.), Nikon is a good way to go. I may invest in a Cannon to see which is better at what I do but most of the girls that I know use a Nikon. So personally, if you want to have more portrait like photos, I would say Nikon. But for sports shots, absolutely Cannon. Of course I would love to hear anybodies opinions, especially from professionals. I want to be like you guys one day
I love photography, I have been using nikon coolpix 100 which is not a professional camera and it is not fast enough. I would like to take professional looking pictures for my daughter who is 5 months and my son who is 2 year old…I went to the store and tried the canon 7d and it was pretty fast, now I dont know a lot about camera, but would like to start reading and learning more about it, but first of all I would like to know: can canon 7 d take professional pictures for babies and nature? and also which nikon camera can take professional pictures for babies, nature, family, that is affordable? I heard people speaking about nikon d7000 but don’t know much.
Thank you
Canon 7D is a great camera for taking professional pics. I can highly recommend it.
thank u very much Rich will go with canon 7d
Hi Rich, I recently purchased the canon 7d and so far I love it, I’ve been using it to take pictures for my two children. So far I’ve been reading the intruction book that it came with and try to learn how to better use the camera. Do you have any recommendation of a book that I can buy online to learn more about how to use the camera?
I took some pictures for my daughter and wanted to order large print at walmart online 16X20 and they recommend me to use a smaller size because of the picture resolution. Do you know how to take picture with the 7d for large print that need 5200 resolution and higher?
Thank you
Hi Cati
I saw your query on the blog regarding resolution of pictures and thought I may be able to help.
Firstly, the 7D is a great camera and you should have no problem taking pictures of a high enough resolution to print-if I am not mistaken it has around 18m mega-pixels? Your camera will have different settings available to you for different image quality. The usual default is JPEG, then you can get JPEG Fine (which is a better quality JPEG) and the RAW. A RAW file is the highest resolution possible. You will notice if you take pictures in RAW that the file size should be around 18mb when you download it, which corresponds to the 18 megapixels potential of your camera. A JPEG will be about half that, which means in JPEG your camera is only using about half of the data available to it to create the image.
The advantage of a JPEG is that it is effectively edited for you by your camera. With a RAW photo, you will need to edit it in some sort of photo software program (lightroom, photoshop, etc) and unless you have this software you may not even be able to view a RAW picture on your computer, although most DSLR cameras come with software that allows you to view and do some basic editing of RAW images.
If printing big pictures, taking photos in RAW is definitely going be your best bet. However, you can still print reasonably large prints in JPEG and if you are not interested in the time involved to edit photos yourself it is a lot easier. When you save your file, you should save it at a resolution of 300dpi (dots per inch). If saving as a JPEG, choose the highest quality possible. The best format to use for printing though, is TIFF. It is a very large file, but the highest quality.
I have included links to two articles that may help-I hope I have made some sort of sense!
Please feel free to send through any more queries either to the blog or directly to me on this address (
thank you David for taking the time to answer my questions.
I still have more questions. Your answers made sense to me, however, I always download my pictures on my computer first and order print online. the picture I was trying to print on walmart website was taken in the JPEG/RAW format and walmart suggest that the resolution of the picture was too low for a 16X20 print. I took most of my pictures using the JPEG/RAW options which is the highest resolution I will think on the canon 7d.
I do not know how to use the TIFF format for printing. Is this a special program that I need to download or buy in order to save my pictures in that format. I also do not know how to save my file on my computer at a resolution of 300dpi. Usually I download my pictures on my computer and using microsoft window and do not see that option
Thank you very much for your help
I am a beginner, and I am so confused. Checked many reviews, and I am still not convince. I want to buy an easy to carry DSLR, I like canon because my wonderful photographer friend suggests that Canon is always better, and I want to believe him, and looked up for Canon EOS 650D and EOS 600D. I found Nikon D5100 is so much cheaper and lighter, better than 600D or 650D. I can use the savings from it to buy a better lens. What do you guys think?
Hi there! I’m currently a recreational photographer, but wanting to see if I could maybe start moving toward professional. I love the art and it’s time to upgrade cameras from my Canon Rebel Xti. I’m wanting a good multi-purpose camera (indoor/outdoor, low light/high light, etc.). I’ve been looking at the Canon 600D and the 650D, and I’m wondering if the 650D is worth the extra money. I need good video capabilities and I’ve heard the 650D has a few extra things that makes it a better choice. I’m very open to other suggestions, so any advice will be greatly appreciated! =)
I may as well jump on the bandwagon here. I’ve been testing the waters looking at DSLR cameras. I’m not sure what the best choice would be for me.
I’m interested in a camera for dance photography. Some will be outdoor, most indoor, and there will be high action. I would need a good zoom, because I will mostly be far away from the action.
I don’t need a crazy high-end professional camera – I would REALLY like to spend less than $600 for the body.
Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
hi.. for me canon is the best.. i have a canon EOS 1100D and it’s really really good… i really enjoy it very much….
Hey guys.. I am a beginner and i am planning to buy a nice DSLR camera.. As far as i’ve seen and heard pple say Nikon are the best cameras.. in terms of quality images and recording videos… I am now comparing the Nikon D3100 with D3200….. Whats good ?? I would really appreciate all helps…
Also i would like to know what to buy now between a nNikon and a Cannon…
@ Kalyn, Really! My experience differs from your’s it seems and
which cameras are best nikon or canon
I’m in the same boat as everyone else. But my budget is extremely less than what people are posting here! I’m looking to buy a new camera between $200-$400. I love taking outdoor shots of my dogs, need something for concerts, and really like close ups. On facebook I’ve posted the same question-which is better: Nikon or Canon. I have several photography friends and right now it’s a tie–no clear answer! Suggestions?
In the end the only reason Canon won was because they sold more. Both make great cameras.
The main thing for aspiring photographers to know is that a good seasoned pro can take your entry level camera and achieve better results than you can with his or her professional camera. This is because of knowledge and experience trumps a good tool every time. Walk up to a mechanics tool box and try to fix a car with all of those tools. 9 out of ten won’t have a chance. But take the mechanic who owns those tools and give them only mediocre tools to use and they will still get the job done.
Experience vs equipment
Experience wins every time.
Every time
Josh Barry
Any thoughts on the Nikon 1 J1?
I have been searching for a camera to replace my Sony cybershot, which has TERRIBLE zoom. I hear that Canons are easier to use, and produce a better quality image. But the Nikons are more inside of my price range, and are also considered a “Professinal” camera. I almost bought a Nikon L810, but then reconsidered.
Any thoughts on these cameras? If I was to get a Canon, it would probably be an Eos Rebel T3.
I have been searching for a camera for wild life & natural photography plz tell mi
?…Canon 600d or Nikon 5100…?
Hello, okay honestly i respect both brands and have questioned which brand / camera to buy. I am very into action sports in all lighting scenarios. i dont mind dropping $800 on a camera but i want to get the one that best fits me. I use a gopro3 for all my hard heavy moving stuff so im not dying to have impressive video (although it would be nice). I keep hearing about the Canon rebels and i love the feel and the flip out screen (for reasons unknown). but im all over the place with my photography and need it to virtually use it for all scenarios. I know this has more to do with lenses than the camera its self but i want to make sure i make the right buy. so right now it comes down to these cameras: eos t3i ; eos t4i; eos 60D; Nikon D5100; Nikon D90; and Nikon D7000. realistically id like to keep the budget under $1000 for everything but if its worth getting a $1000 camera and worrying about buying lenses later i might do that.
after comparing camera to camera, the best camera from what i listed for under $1000 is the Nikon D7000. the components i found to make it the clear winner is shutter speed ; battery life ; weather sealed ; image quality ; color depth ; video auto focus capabilities. the only downside to the camera for me is the flipout screen (still for reasons unknown), and the price is upwards of $900. but comparing numbers, its worth the little extra for it being ready to do anything i need it to.
Am willing to buy a professional camera soon, and am a lil confused about what should i buy.. Canon or nikon or other..
The problem is that i take pictures of EVERYTHING so i cant tell what kind of pix ill be taking :/
P.s : i need pictuers with SUPER best clearness And clean views, the colors should be rich, fun and bright.. Or maybe should i saaayy, kinda cartoonish..?!
Can you please help ?
Thanx alot.
Keep in mind there are other brands to consider. While Nikon and Canon are the most popular. other brands offer some alternatives. and to me the glass is far more important than the body. Thechnology is progressing so fast now that as soon as you buy a body, its obsolete so dont worry too much about the body, if you’re getting an interchangable lens camera, make sure you get good glass that will serve your purposes well. To that end, study, study, study. Read lots of photography books especially ones with photos that give you picture taking information like the kind of lens, the aperture, the focal length, the light, etc. Then rent some cameras and lenses and experiment. with this last step you may be limited to the two popular brands. Fuji XE1 is excellent people camera with superior lenses, but limited selection. Olympus is also excellent with more lens choices.
I found this very interesting!
Well, I’m very stuck on either canon rebel t3i or canon rebel t2i vs. Nikon d1500.
I would be using the camera for more portraits, nature life, action shots? well mostly for all types of photography!
Plus im a beginner so something that is easy to learn, and takes very good quality shots!
Your thoughts on this?
Thanks -Y
Id probably go for the rebel as I favour Canon, however Nikon is truly fantastic as well. I just know that the rebel is a really good camera to start photography on.
Really nice work, however; I was looking at the graphics for round one and the winner for that round should have been NIKON just from looking at your graphics and you gave it to canon (just like real boxing) the loser wins!!! Lol
which one best nikon coolpix s6500 or canon range 12000 rs.
They are both great, however I would probably recommend the Canon as I have had good experiences with this little camera.
i wanted to buy a point and shoot camera ,i liked the canon digital ixus 510 ,so just wanted to know if its nice…..
nice post first of all.
actually i am looking forward to buy a dslr and am doing research for the same.
i happen to come across many sites with diffferent opinions.
im stuck between canon 600D and nikon D5100.
can you suggest the better one.
Hi, i want to know which is best? because my friends say that “Canon is the best” but my photographer friends say “Nikon is the best” …
I want to buy a camera. but i dont know which one. Canon 600D or Nikon D5100?
thanks from now
I would go with Canon. I have been shooting with Canon cameras for about 4 years now. I had the XSI and have the T3 now. I have plans to upgrade to a full frame. I would half to say Nikon is the value brand, and their cameras feel and preform cheap (I had a full week with a d5100 and put it threw all my tests.) Canon is the best for beginners and Pro’s, and Nikon is best for people who want more customization in their cameras. So my advice is go with Canon you wont regret it!
Which is better, nikon 3200D or canon eos 1100d?
My daughter is turning 16 and is very interested in photography. We are looking to buy her a camera for her birthday and are struggling between Cannon and Nikon. We want a camera that she can grow with and not outgrow too quickly. Obviously price will also have to be considered. We have looked at Nikon 3200 and 5200 and were thinking about Cannon Rebel T4i or T3i. Any thoughts?
Hi Tara,
Those are all perfectly good cameras that you mentioned. The problem with digital cameras these days is that technology is advancing so rapidly, before you know it there is a newer version of your camera on the market! I wouldn’t worry about that too much though for a beginner photographer
Opinion will always be heavily divided between Canon and Nikon; the ranging team at Londolozi has a slight lean towards Canon, but reasons are varied. I started using Canon as my father uses their equipment and it would be convenient to borrow his lenses.
Different cameras are better suited to different things; wildlife, studio work etc. based on things like sensor size, FPS (frames per second) and a whole variety of factors.
I started off with a Canon Rebel, and used it for a couple of years at Londolozi photographing wildlife before I bought a 7D. It was more than adequate for job.
Your best bet would be to discuss cameras with someone at your local camera shop, as obviously prices will vary and the guys selling the equipment will probably have a better idea of the ins-and-outs of the various models.
Hope that helps a bit.
Nikon 3200d or 1100d ?
I would recommend the 3200d
interesting! i learned a lot.
Canon 60d is good one ?…
I Want to buy a new DSLR and i am stuck with canon D600 and Nikon D5100.
I am new to photography, Can you please suggest which is best for me
I would like to take portrait, landscape and nighttime photography .
Hi Dhineshkumar, I would suggest trying each out at the store to see which feels better in your hand. Weight, texture and ease of use. I personally find Canon easier to use, whilst Nikon offers a few more technical functions. Hope that helps?
Im looking for an entrly level DSLR,have compared canon 600D
& Nikon D5100 but not able to declide which one to go,Most of
the reviews are in favour of Nikon.
Pls suggest,as im a new user.
Hi Rajnikant, its hard to offer any new suggestions if you have compared both. I would suggest trying each out at the store to see which feels better in your hand. Weight, texture and ease of use. I personally find Canon easier to use, whilst Nikon offers a few more technical functions. Hope that helps?
Hello which do you recommend for artsy types of photos. I am a beginner and I have spent a year trying to compare the two so I don’t make a mistake with my purchase. Which would you recommend for the creative photos? I want to do the double exposures. for example a flower over a human face. I do a lot of art work on nails and I am making a portfolio that I really want to stand out. Please help. and Thanks
Tracie, both are great for creative photographs, what really matters is the creativity of the photographer. Both cameras will have multiple functions that allow you to express yourself in various different ways once you grasp the technical side of the camera.
want to buy a dslr between 50-60 thousand rupees. which one should I go for?
I would suggest the Canon 7D
I feel Nikon is great Dslr stunning Image quality and ergonomics
low light conditions very comfortable to shoot. strongly I recommended “Nikon D600”
I am not sure whether to go for Canon EOS 600D or for Nikon D3200.
Is it true Canon is better for video and also the battery last (uncharged) for longer?
Then, what the advantages of the Nikon´s would be?
I would also like to take into account the lens, in the future; which camera brand/model requires cheaper lens or has more lens to choose from.
Thank you in advance!
I have the same question
Any Idea?
Did u made you decision Jose?
Hi sir,
I’m traveler, used to travel on bicycle to see nature more closly. Currently I’m using Digital Camera “Samsung ES-28” and mobile. Photographs are almost good.
Now I want to go for entry level DSLR … So which one is best for me for nature photography in low budget..
I would highly recommend the 60D or 7D from Canon and the D3100 from Nikon.
Hi, I’m interested in photography, which camera would you recommend for Nature, Macro and Action photography? I’m still in school and too young to get a job so i cant afford a really expensive camera right now.
Thanks In Advance
Hi Paula, I would recommend a G12 from Canon. Its compact, relatively inexpensive and takes great images. rich
i can not deside between two. nikon d5100 or canon 600d. size and waight dose not matter. between this which camera give me perfect pictur and vedio? pleas help me out.
can u suggest me the best camera in clearty and it cannon,nikkon or olympus???
Wow, wonderful weblog layout! How long haqve you ever been blogging
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I bought a Canon Rebel T ( it was the 1st upgrade from Rebel). I couldn’t get it to get sharp pictures. I had it into Canon 5 times in the first year I had it! They returned it “fixed” every time. My opinion was NOT fixed! They agreed to call me and compare the pictures I’d taken, allowing me to discuss what I was seeing! They tried once! I was then dropped like a hot rock!!
I sold it and went and purchased a Nikon. It has preformed as I feel the Canon should have! I wouldn’t go back!
is Nikon D5100 is good for a beginner or not
Yes it’s an excellent model
which model is better Nikon D5100 or canon 600d
which model is better Nikon D7000 or canon 650d or canon 600d For professional photography
i have a nikond7000 camera and i have been interested only in wildlife photography,i have a thought of exchanging my d7000 instead to get a eos7d as the prime lenses are of my budget.there are no nikkor prime lenses except the one nikor300mm f4,what do u think on my opinion
You have actually confused me more right now.. as i am a Nikon p&s user.. wanted to get my hands on a DSLR . .m a wildlife photographer by interest..
i read a lot about Nikon 300mm f2.8 and 400mm f4 and D4 ,D3s .. but after reading the reviews i think i should consider canon as well .. can you please suggest best (economical,portable,good quality,longer reach ) camera and lens combo from canon for that purpose? how are they in comparison with that of nikon ?
thank you..
Yuvraj, they are both excellent cameras and its purely a matter of personal choice as to which body, lens and brand suits you in terms of usability, image preference, handling, look and portability. IF you want the best wildlife body/lens combo on the market I would strongly recommend the Nikon D3 with the 200-400mm f4.o lens. You will get the most outstanding image from that setup. The Canon 1DX and new 200 – 400mm lens is also a brilliant setup for wildlife photography. I hope that helps a bit more?
can u please suggest me the best camera for easy to use and it cannon,Nikon or any other
which is better camera?canon or nikon?
primarily used for special occasion like weddings & parties..
which has a better resulotion?or which of the two are also better in night-shots?
My choices either 600d for canon or d3200 or d5200 for nikon.
Thanks a lot…
I am new in photography, really I love to capture around nature. Can you please suggest , which maker is more ideal for my purpose of use, I mean (nikon or canon)
and one thing I need is the actual colour capture…
Please given me a suggestion:-)
Please advise me for choosing camera: Canon 600D, Canon 700D or Nikon 5300? I want to use for wedding, occasion and for traveling
Thanks in advance
from where you got these all figures ?
Nikon is 10 times better than Canon in every field. SALES Figure doesn’t prove anything. Otherwise Point and Shoot camera or Mobile Camera would be better than dslr as they better in sale concern to user.
70% photographer in the world are just amateur and they mostly either own Point and Shoot or Canon Dslr. Either they read such post as your from the internet or never used a Nikon system (At least at any photographic stores) and easily misguided.
and from the rest of 30% are professional photographer or enthusiastic and most of them choose gear as their likes and feedback from belongings or having a lot of Old Lenses from a particular brand. but individual liking are not all.. and even i am telling this all not to force author to agree anything. I am telling which is fact and truth.
Build Quality of Nikon is 3times better than Canon. (if you dont trust me pick a Canon 5D Mark III and a Nikon D800, you will feel the difference, Nikon is Solid as Rock and fit perfectly in hand and its like a premium product, even Entry Level Nikon Systems are better feel in hand than Canon Entry Level Dslr.) Canon systems feel like bit Plastic and cheap and heavy and not durable.
Image Quality, Just google or go to Flickr sites they are having a lot of sample images from both Nikon and Canon system. you will surely find that Nikon produce 2times better image than Canon in ‘perfect’ condition. Yes, Canon is a bit better in some circumstances like Dark or Night photography but, those cases are exceptional and Nikon is having D4S for that. but Canon 70D is definitely better than Nikon D7100 in that respect. But Ask yourself, you want a Average performer who will assure you average performance everytime or a Specialist Performer who will mostly assure you the best quality in the world but worst in some specific area. And Canon tends to fool the user by warming the image a bit to look is much more good. but actually they are not.
Nikon is having much cheaper but Outstanding lenses than Canon. 70200 f2.8 VR II from nikon is cheaper than 702000 2.8 IS II from Canon but it produce better image than Canon. most of the lenses of Nikon are better than Canon and they are chaper and feel solid and premium in hand.
But i must say some of the lenses from Canon are really awesome as 85mm 1.2 is a class from canon.
But it just a specific reason for those 30% photographers who actually choose canon for their specific job or work which nikon can’t help. Who is going to shoot at 1.2 with a 85mm lens daily basis. noone else a studio photographer(portfolio). but but but….
Just check it in “”
compare nikon vs canon lens you will definitely understand which one is better.
Even few months ago i own a D7100 from Nikon, i had choice of 70D and read numerous posts and feedback and see a lots of sample images from flickr and pixelpeeper and used a lot D7100 and 70D at different photographic stores and finally decided to go for D7100.
Trust me, for me image quality is the last word. and i want something who is a specialist. i dont need an allrounder who will going to give me average good images even at worst condition like dark or night situation, rather i will opt for a specialist who can’t perform best at those situation but can give me out-of-the world awesome fantastic breathtaking crip and cristal clear images in sweet conditions.. and thats the reason i have choose nikon. but 70% people in the world use a camera now a days for Fashion Trend or just to upload pics in Facebook and they hardly care about image quality or durability. for them even a 10megapixel mobile camera is a better choice at night club during party.
and that is the reason they opt for Canon system, because they are lazy to experiment and innovate settings while shooting pics.. but they need something which will give them good images in ‘AUTO’ mode everytime. they hardly shoot pics in ‘A’,’P’or’M’ mode anytime. and that is the reason why Canon sales more camera than Nikon. coz they knows it and they know what most of the people want.
But Nikon make camera for photographers or who actually take pics by a minimum sense of art. that is the major difference.
where are my previous comments? :O
Well, I got a Nikon and a Canon – I LOVE my Canon and don’t like the color quality of the Nikon. The pictures with the Nikon mostly have to be photoshopped to give the true colors. The only thing I like about my Nikon is, it gives me a challenge every time I use it, but so does my Canon (just not that hard of a challenge).
Hi. I am a beginner and i like to go for canon 600d is it very older to buy now or my other choice is nikon d5200. In both of them which should buy at right this stage.
I am planning to buy a dslr . my options are canon 600D or Nikon D5200. which would be better ? i m much into portfolios. i need rich eye catchy colours. i am also a beginner. i have used nikon D3100, which i was not that satisfied. So kindly suggest me which dslr i should use.
I take a lot of videos for the camp I work at, then put them in a big video. Do you think the canon T5i would be the right camera for the Job?
Plz guide me..
Can i buy canon 1200d or nikon 3200?
Hi Sabarish,
There’s not much to choose between the two. While the Nikon has a few more megapixels, that’s not the only thing to look for, and with the Canon you are looking at a slightly cheaper price..
It’s much of a muchness, but generally once you commit to a brand, that’s the one you end up sticking with…
Nikon is better any day . I use the D3 its superb quality compared to Canon EOS 1 DS , I have both Nikon ED and Canon L high speed telephoto 200mm 1.8 , 400mm 2.8 L lenses but Nikon pictures are always better , I wonder why ? it could the Canon bodies
Nikon D5200 or canon 1200 or 1300D is best ?
Excellent infographics! Well designed site, your graphic designer does great work, however the content is quite lacking. You determine which line of camera is better based upon which company has higher annual revenue? A companies revenue has little to do with the functionality and performance of their cameras. That’s like saying I am going to judge which restaurant has the best food by how much they make. By that rationale, McDonalds and Taco Bell are the finest eateries in America.