The two lionesses from the Tsalala pride lay in wait. Not more than 50 meters away the young lions of the Sparta pride were feeding on a giraffe carcass brought down the night before. Both prides were without males and the stage was set for an explosive conflict…
For lions prides, the movement of territories is like a game of chess. Depending on different variables such as density, strength and confidence, the size of each pride’s territory is unique and constantly changing. When a pride is moving around the northern regions of their territory, for example, a portion of the southern part may be usurped by another pride. This is until such time as the prides move south and reclaims their area through vocalising and, if need be, physical force.
Physical force is precisely what happened in the above encounter. On a loose boundary between the two pride’s territories, the Tsalala lionesses came across the young Sparta lions. Playing on the lack of confidence amongst the younger lions as well as the element of surprise the mature Tsalala females made sure that they frightened the other lions in to retreat. Not only did they reclaim a small southern portion of the territory, but they also stole the remainder of the carcass. Although outnumbered, the Tsalala lionesses had both the experience and size to confidently take on the young lions.
For the scattered lions of the Sparta pride, they regrouped later that day and made swift southward movements back towards the heart of their territory in central Londolozi. It was a valuable lesson learnt for these young Sparta lions as they will no doubt increase their awareness and guard as a result. For the Tsalala lionesses, it merely exemplifies why this pride continues to endure through tough times. They are tenacious, forthright and clear as to what belongs to them and how exactly to maintain it.
Filmed by: John Holley
Very nice indeed , interesting interaction between prides .
But something is not match perfect…. do you say young Sparta lionesses ; as I see there are four lionesses from Sparta pride . I read in your early blogs that one of the young Sparta lionesses was killed by Majingilane . So it must be three young Sparta lionesses . Who’s the fourth ? An older one or maybe the young lioness survived ?!!
Maybe you can help me to understand .
Many thanks.
It would’ve been interesting if Solo was there. Between his adopted pride (Sparta) and his mother and aunts (The Tsalalas)…who knows how the outcome of this conflict would have been?!!
Fascinating and great to see the Tsalala girls being so bold and determined. They are fantastic lionesses. Thanks for sharing!
Oh my goodness. This is amazing. Whoever catched that site – congrats. Wish i could have seen this but it happens ONLY at Londolozi
Very interesting. Are these the young lionesses or a combination of the old lioness and the two lionesses whose cubs were killed and the young ones? The pride still seems split up?
Amazing* the video gave me the grills

definitely a great start to my monday 
Those Tsalala females are Beautiful, poweful lionesses! I envy how you are able to watch and experience the interactions between these prides and the territorial conflicts between them. sensational
I have a question. The roaring by the females… is that to be understood as some sort of victory chant?
Mele – In the Sparta Pride, there are 3 young females, three adult females, two young males and the Tsalala young male at the head of the pride. Only one of the adult females( the older one of the three) was with these three young females when the interaction took place with the two Tsalala lionesses.
Bader – Had the Tsalala Young Male (Solo) been present at the sighting, it is quite unlikely that the two Tsalala lionesses would have made the challenge. The Tsalala Young Male would have provided the much needed muscle to the young Sparta lionesses in this particular scenario…
Kk – The lionesses involved are the three young lionesses from the Sparta pride and one of the older lionesses. The two lionesses from the Sparta 2 were not present. The pride does split up and come back together over a course of time.
Morty – It is not a victory chant but rather a vocal display to signal their dominance at having chased the other lions off. It is also used as a way to claim territory as well as to call other lion/lionesses.
Rich now is very clear and is very nice you help us to understand the real situation in Sparta pride .
Also there is a lot of questions on Londolozi/facebook about a disclosure of Londolozi Game Reserve: “Solo appears to have been spending time with two slightly younger males. We could have a new coalition developing if things continue to grow between these males”
Some understand that those 2 younger males are Sparta males others understand by that the 2 Nkuhuma males …
What is the truth Rich ?
Thank you Rich for the insight…One more question…Has the Tsalala young male (Solo) been observed scent marking, claiming territory, roaring his dominance? Or is he still laying low in fear of the Mijingis?
Rich it seems Solo is the most ”wanted” character from Londolozi …a lot of questions indeed… Maybe you could provide new fresh videos with Solo and his mates , certainly you will make happy a lot of Londolozi’s funs !!
Okay so I see that Tsalala Young Male (aka Solo) seems to be the lion that most of you are interested in. Let me assure you that this in mind I will do some more thinking, photographing and filming and try get some more good info on his latest. Just in brief..he has seemed to be spending quite a bit of his time a little further south then before. A lot of this time is with one sub adult male (the one with the slight injury from a couple months back) and then often the other sub-adult male. However this second male is sometimes with the rest of the pride and then sometimes the old female is also with Solo. In terms of whether they are looking into forming a new coalition; im afraid that time is the only answer to this tale. However, judging by the fact that most of his time of late has been away from the pride, and that the other boys in the pride are at the difficult akward age..I feel slightly more swayed towards the coalition going ahead. This may benefit the Sparta Pride as they could then let down their swords and accept a Majingilane takeover! Who Knows? I will look into it and keep you posted. Bader, to answer your question as to whether he calls etc…the answer, from what i have seen is no! But this may change…
Londolozi did a ‘piece’ on Solo/Tsalala male on March 7th but I think he is becoming very famous with alot of people cheering for him. He is a survivor who has somehow made it in the hard world of lions. People always love the underdog who somehow makes it and turns into a great warrior! Would love to see some recent photo’s of him. Apparently, he has grown quite impressive.