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Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on Lion Warfare – An Update Part 6

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Im happy things are calming down… Im hoping that the final 3 Mapogos, especially Old Makhulu ( who is my fav Mapogo ) are able to have a relatively peaceful end to their lives, as they’ve been fighting for a looong time. If the Majingis tried to test the Mapogos again, I feel that Makhulu and Bent Spine would go down fighting like the true warriors they are. I don’t know why but I feel that Mr.T will be the final Mapogo standing, he’s got more then 9 lives that one !

Hey Tom,
I was quite interested in this update having been with you on 21 December and getting a history lesson on the lions in this area of the Sands.
Hope you had a good Holiday and leave and that you are surviving all the rains!!

The Manjingalane’s are here to stay. Hopefully they are able to establish an even bigger pride than the Tsala lions once had. That would be formidable. So, far the coup is in the early stages. Once they are fully habituated in the land, and they are able to form an even bigger pride with the Sparta lionesses they will be nearly unstoppable in the region.

It is my belief that the Majingilanes will definitely remain dominant in Northern and Central Londolozi for much of 2011. Although there is the possibility that new, unknown males could come in and challenge them, at this stage it seems unlikely.

I do think that some of the younger males growing up in Southern Londolozi might in time challenge them….


This morning we found the 2 Sparta lionesses with the remaining youngster. One of the females is not in good condition following her run in with the Majingalanes. Time will tell but the future doesn’t look too bright for the only remaining youngster.

That is such a pity to hear James, I can imagine how tough it must be to see this young cub out in the wild and slowly deteriorating along with her mother…


Few questions:

The commentator mentioned “looking at a baby fufuchoo.” What’s a fufachoo? And a moo moo?
He mentioned they were filming at “Lindalazoo.” Where is that?
I particularly liked the line “Screw cops, this is Safari!”
Otherwise pretty crazy footage from the front lines – nice 1.


I am not absolutely certain of the answers to your first question however I can only suggest it is a waterbuck.
Lindalazoo is the same place as Londolozi, just a different pronunciation.
I also enjoyed the commentary and the footage, it was an interesting video to watch and only enhanced by the commentators excitement.

Thanks for your comments.

29 January 2011
Just a brief one on Sparta Pride….latest news
Sparta 6 found this am….
2 sub adult males (one of which is still nursing an injury to back left ankle)
3 females
1 Tsalala Young Male (solo) looking in fine form, his mane is turning dark by the day!

Mele Andru

Thank you Adam , your news are most welcome .
I feel sorry for this brave lions , they suffered a lot in past weeks…
Still no sign of subadult lioness ? Maybe wasn’t killed by Majingi boys…
Please if you can provide as with some videos of this pride it will be great .
Thanks a lot . Good luck !



I’m sure you meant it was a warthog, correct? It has that distinctive squealing that I don’t think a waterbuck has.

Morty it is definitely a waterbuck. Take a look at the white stripe on the rump of the antelope early on in the video.

the Tsalala male and two Sparta males are sons of Mapogos?

Hi Omar,
The Tsalala male wasn’t that I’m pretty certain of, and the Sparta males in the article I think might have been. This was a long time ago so I’ll have to double check.


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