About the Author

Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on The Difference: 1990 and 2010

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I don’t know if I can say I was “born free” (1989 kid) but I have no recollection of the segregated South Africa. Maybe I was just fortunate?

Looking at things now, it’s tough for me to imagine that the generations before mine grew up racially divided. I can hardly get over the thought that people from those generations had to purposefully unlearn so many things they’d been taught as children. They MADE the new SA – all I have to do is just live in it!

John Smith

Nice piece of writing. Tom. Londolozi is probably more ‘advanced’ that the rest of the country (which says a lot about the entire team there, top to bottom) but the visits we have made to South Africa the past three years illustrate the gradual creation of opportunity for all. There is clearly a considerable hole to dig out from, doubtless at a rate that will satisfy everyone. ‘Respect’ and ‘integrity’ will be important fuels to maximum progress.

Zano, I agree that it is tough to imagine how racially divided this country was and how much unlearning has had to take place as our nation moves forward with its democracy.

I would, however, challenge you on just living in it as I truly believe that in order for South Africa to realise its full potential we need to actively LEAD it as individuals as well. Whether it is part of the LeadSA initiative or on our own course, positive change in this country will be as a result of collective groups of individuals who strive to create that change through their actions and deeds.

Thanks for your thoughts and comments on Heritage Day. Have a great celebration!

I just recd. today in the post a copy of The Full circle, To Londolozi and Back Again – A Family’s Journey by Dave Varty. I’m really looking forward to beginning the book tonight.

So much of the above reminds me of the American south (born: New Orleans, 1955). Many changes, many changes, have occurred. The Jim Crow Laws, and the lynchings are gone (not all the violence, but almost all). Some are still adjusting. (I speak of the US). Many simply move on. They have no time and little use for racism. It is ignorant, and wasteful. South Africa is unique, though, and it is a special test case, so to speak, of development and integration and problem solving. The political culture is still evolving, and the institutions (political parties especially) are keeping pace in some regards and in others not. But it is a huge mosaic (of people, land, history, et al.) and I think it is that which I find most compelling.

I’ve started tonight to read The Full Circle. It’s very good.

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