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Rich Laburn

Head of Digital

Rich is the driving force behind Londolozi’s online storytelling and the founder of the Londolozi blog. His passions of digital media, film and photography have seen him build Londolozi's online ecosystem into a unique platform for advocacy of the restoration and rewilding of ...

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on Lion Warfare – An Update

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Thank you so much for this.i I have started keepin track of the lions and am very glad for these updates.


Thank you so much for the updates, I think everyone that knows of these lions are on the edge of our seats waiting for the outcome that may or may not happen. Thank you!!

Diana Barnes

Many thanks for this information. I watch on Africam every night and following this extrodinary chain of events with huge interest.
I am sure many people will appreciate your time and trouble putting these events in sequence.

Ryan Johnston

Hey guys

That video was taken by a guest on my vehicle. We are also watching and waiting to see what happens next. I’ll watch your blog and try keep up from your side, but if you have anything you need from the North, please feel free. So far we have seen these 4 males a lot more than you guys as they go as far North as the Manyaleti Reserve as well. There has been atleast one Tsalala cub running around up here by herself, so hopefully the adults find her soon.

Ryan Johnston
Arathusa Safari Lodge

Thanks Ryan, appreciate the help. I will relay this info back to the rangers and hopefully you can all keep the channels of communication open as these events unfold.

Take care and enjoy it.


Jerry Ann Plunkett

This is very informative with the dates, names, locations and actions of all the lions and prides involved. This has made it easier follow and understand. And yes, this is a story that is continually unfolding while leaving us to wonder what the finale story will be. Thank you.

Gary Hanson

Lovely informative blog. Thanks


Adam, thanks for the update, much appreciated

John Mizzi

Many thanks for the updates. I would like to know wether it is possible that this carnage between lions is stopped by the park rangers. These beautifull animals are being wasted.
John Mizzi

Hi John,

Thanks for you thoughts. This conflict between the lions is completely natural and as such is not stopped by anybody. It is not considered a waste of to see these animals die, it is a natural procession of nature that has been taking place for many thousands, if not millions of years. I know this might seem strange in a world where we have decreasing lion populations, however these animals are naturally hardwired to be dominant and will do what they must to fight for territory. There would still be conflict between then regardless of if we were there or not. At Londolozi we are trying to have as gentle an impact on the environment as possible and this goes for being casual observers of what is unfolding in nature around us. I hope this answers your question as it is one I understand very well, being passionate about lions myself. Please let me know if you would like anymore resources on this topic or have any other questions.


Rich Laburn

As always you guys let us guests learn about the wild life in Sabi Sand. My visit to Londolozi 2 years ago is the most impressive experience I have had in my life and this make it even more unbelievable. When you personally have followed this lion morning and evening and now follows there last struggle is like being there withe you, thanks. I tel people around me every day abut the fantastic Londolozi. Tanks again

Thanks Garman, great to hear you had such an unbelievable experience at Londolozi. It makes the unfolding situation even more relevant and dramatic when you have personally seen the animals and spent time with them. Keep posted!!!


Very interesting indeed to hear this story unfold. Thank you so much for the updates. Look forward to hearing more and hopefully seeing some amazing sightings when I visit Londolozi in October!!

It’s a pleasure, I am sure that when you arrive in October there will still be much drama and change. Will keep you updated on what is happening so that you are up to speed when you arrive.

after watching the Mopogo’s kill so many lions themselves, it seems like they are getting payback. But it’s sad to see such grand lions being killed. I will miss following Kinky Tail and Mr. T (Satan)

Many people call it karma, but who knows if it is also true for the lion kingdom. I suppose we just call it the natural order to make it seem less dramatic and violent to our own nature. Yes it is sad to see such grand lions being killed, however as with much of nature everything that dies provides an outlet for something new to grow out of it. Hopefully the remaining lions will still be able to write a few more chapters in this period of the Sabi Sands. Thanks for your thoughts.

Rob Rasner LinkedIn.com

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